mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Happy New fellow Fishers/Hunters!!

Hey, All!! Happy New Year to all of you guys/girls whom we get to chat with throughout the past year(s).

I have always loved checking this forum out for anything new almost everyday for topics pertaining to our pastimes. This website was especially important and interesting when I was laid up for months after a tough knee surgery and the past surgeries ,in which were a few . I only wish that we all can participate enough to keep this forum in place for the future . Because ,I have no idea how I will ever be able to not know how VT and Glen are getting along !! Love those two for not only their witty humor ,but their truly awesome trip reports /photos as well as all of awesome trout/steelies and of course,splakes...and, also its great to read about everyone who is having success or just experiencing the great outdoors with the rod/rifle..never forget the great videos we have been lucky to have seen . love them all!!!!.. Please keep this place going !! Thanks to all Moderators and Owners of this website who have used a ton of time and energy to keep it going for us !!


Going to Japan

I'm headed for Japan in a few days. Talk to you when I get back. Can't wait to experience the orient.

Taking a swim

I've often wondered if there are any restrictions in taking a swim in the local backcountry or trail-side lake, pond, or stream inlet, other than the threat of leeches. If I wanted to take a swim in the middle of a hike at Lake Arnold, for example, would this be ok?


Don't forget the Mountaineer's Mountainfest on 1/17 wknd:

mardi 30 décembre 2014

American HApkido

I was looking at a school in my area. It offers American Hapkido. The schedule was very convenient for the Hapkido classes and I thought it would be nice to supplement with my jiu jitsu.

But I tried to wiki American Hapkido, and unfortunately there is no wikipedia page. I've never heard of the art. So I went to youtube. Now I am no martial arts expert by a longshot and maybe it was just this video. But the techniques in this video looked pretty wack, if I must say. Nothing I'd want to ever use if a real life self defense situation happened. What do you guys think?

Adirondack Lake Trout

So over the years and more recently as I have become more active to these online forums I have been asked where to get ADK lake trout. I am very hesitant to give up this information mainly when I don't know if the person is practicing catch and release. Now I am not really referring to big lakes, Champlain and lake George. This pertains to the smaller lakes here in the park. The first step to solving a problem is acknowledging that there is one, and spreading the word to the public. It is imperative that we as sportsman understand how serious this problem really is. For those who have ever caught a lake trout on the ice it is one hell of a fight and very rewarding. If this is something we wish to keep going we must act now. Generally speaking the drop in populations is a direct result of global warming and not necessarily over fishing, HOWEVER, what few lakes still hold lake trout are at this point very sensitive to overfishing. Here in the Adirondacks we are at the southern most part of the Lake Trout Habitat. and these changes are directly affecting the lake trout populations. Please read this for a better understanding of the problem at hand


Ryan Ball

Little 13th Lake Mtn - 12/30/14

We were headed up to Peaked Mtn. Pond when we ran into some high water on the brook. We made a quick change of plans to take in the view from Little 13th Lake Mtn. The views were worth the hike. Not much trouble making our way directly back toward the car. Great afternoon out. There is a bit of snow left in the woods, but many spots of bare ground where the snow was melted out during the recent thaws. There was a lot of open water along the trail. We really need some cold weather to freeze things up and some more snow!

Lake Road Condition?

I am heading to Colvin-Blake and Nippletop this weekend (January 3-4). Was wondering whether I can ski in on Lake Road.

Has anyone been along Lake Road in the last few days? I'm concerned that the recent bout of warmth has turned it back into a dirt road...

Any info or recommendations (e.g., "bring your microspikes instead") would be greatly appreciated.

Macomb, Carson, Grace

I'm planning on possibly hiking Macomb, Carson, and Grace on Sunday. I'm trying to find any trail reports. Anyone heard of anyone heading up there? I imagine the slide won't have much snow, could be icy. Also trying to gage if trails have been a bit broken out...back down Macomb vs. Lillian, Brook, etc. Thanks!

My kicks look horrible, what to do? (with video)

Hey guys, now I have always had poor flexibility and really feel it's time to address it. I recorded my kicking so you can see the problem (I can record more if my angles are horrible), I tilt over and use too much glute when I kick and overall it's just looks pretty grim. I am trying as hard to kick straight and from my perspective I am! I stretch every second day but my flexibility is rather poor. I also don't have the strength to measure up and do slow kicks in TKD. I just want some advice of stretches or strengthening techniques I can employ to fix this. The dream would be to be able to measure up by Easter, the earliest black belt exam. Is this possible and if so, how? Thanks in advance!

Pinnacle Creek Campout, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest

I met up with DuctTape Russ and 12trysomething Rob over the weekend

for a leisurely camping trip at an old hunters' campsite along Pinnacle Creek

in the southern Adirondacks. Russ & Rob headed up on Friday, and Jenny & I

arrived on Saturday morning. There was still some snow, but snowshoes

were not needed. Temps were pretty warm, and one stream crossing

was a little tricky with all the melting snow and rain late last week. Thankfully,

It only rained on us after we turned in on Saturday evening, and the rain ended

when we woke up on Sunday morning. DuctTape and I (& Jenny) took a day hike

up to County Line Lake while Rob elected to hold down the fort. There was a little

more snow higher up, but again most of the trail was snow free.

All in all it was a great trip with great company!

Pinnacle Creek:

DuctTape along Pinnacle Creek:

County Line Lake:

DuctTape at County Line Lake:

DuctTape and 12trysomething at the campsite along Pinnacle Creek:

UFO Pumpkin Ale & venison steaks, just one of the many courses

throughout the weekend:

Staying in Indian Lake

Good morning ADK XC skiers,

I will be staying in Indian Lake this weekend and perhaps again in the future. I'm interested in learning about people's go-to xc ski tours along 28 as you head towards moose river plains from Indian Lake. Hoping maybe some lake effect this week will whiten things up, but even if it doesn't I'm still interested in this information for the future.

Happy Trails,


New Years party issues

Hi guys

Have not been here for long time but now it been 1 whole year of me doing martial arts. Yay!!!!! Hahah

But here is what I need advice on, my gym friends are organising a New Years eve party and lots of people are invited and I was one of them. The issue is that my parents are not allowing me to go since they think that my gym friends are bad influence which is absolutely wrong since they are only judging based on their looks and tattoos.

I really want to go but my parents are saying NO!! Because of the people and Crefew of 10-11 pm. And they do not want to negotiate

What should I do??

London street shoot-out - slap on the wrist?

I'm curious about the following story. The two blokes show up to try and kill someone in a revenge attack with a gun. After apparently shooting up the pub or trying to shoot his intended target he is then confronted by a cop where he unloads another eight rounds at the copper.

Yet he's not found guilty of attempted murder. He's found guilty of guilty of possessing a firearm and ammunition with intent to endanger life.

How on earth does someone with a loaded gun that is intent on shooting someone in revenge and who then uses the same gun to shoot at coppers not end up with attempted murder?

Was he aiming to simply scare the copper off with eight rounds of lead. Was it simply a warning X8 rounds?

In the UK what are the parameters for being nailed for attempted murder. Surely it must very loose if this guy can get this far into a revenge shoot out and walk away with what seem to be slaps on the wrist?!



London street shoot-out CCTV footage released

18 December 2014 Last updated at 18:25 GMT

Two men have been found guilty of their involvement in a dramatic shoot-out with an armed police officer in north London.

The Old Bailey heard Sedat Meric fired at a Haringey pool bar three times in a revenge attack before turning his gun on an officer identified only as NC32 and firing a further eight rounds.

Meric, 25, from Tottenham and his accomplice Oktay Ayanoglu, 22, from East Finchley, both in north London, were found not guilty of attempted murder but guilty of possessing a firearm and ammunition with intent to endanger life.

They will be sentenced on 9 January.

lundi 29 décembre 2014

Deer Horn Knives - Where to get?

Does anyone know where to get some 'live' Deer Horn Knives online? They are used in Chinese MA like Pa Kua - there was a great fight scene with Deer Horn Knives in Crouch Tiger as I recall.

I have looked online but I can only find replicas (which i already have). I want the real thing!

Hap Do Sool

I started my martial arts training in the Korean Hybrid art of Hap Do Sool. They came to my small hometown of Ladner, BC in the mid-nineties, and I trained for two years until I moved away.

HDS was really ahead of it's time. We learned striking, throwing, ground work, and joint manipulation. This was before the days of MMA, and UFC was still fairly new and underground.

The quality of training I received there really jaded my view of other Martial Arts, and I felt (as a homesick teenager) that all styles were inferior to HDS, and that my previous Master could have mopped the floor with any instructor in my new home town.

It remains a very small Martial Art with only two active branches. It had such a huge effect on me, and I still compare it with other styles to this day.

Are there any current or former Hap Do Sool practitioners on this site? I'd love to hear from you. Especially if you live in Victoria, BC.

Finally serious about training

I've trained off and on most of my life. I started in Hap Do Sool, and trained for about 2 years before I had to move away. I have since dabbled in Boxing, Tae Kwon Do, Jeet Kune Do, Kung Fu, and MMA.

Moving around most of my life, and the nature of my career makes it very difficult for me to progress in any sort of training. I've also made excuses and found at least one wrong thing with most places I've trained.

I've been fortunate enough to stay in one place for the past year, and have recently earned my Green Belt in Yoshukai Karate. I also train in Daiwa-Ryu Jujutsu.

I've stopped making excuses and my training is a huge priority in my life. I look forward to seeing where this path will take me.



Complete Alpine Touring Ski set up


Complete Alpine Touring Ski set up. Excellent condition!

Black Diamond Havoc Skis (175cm) mounted with Fritichi Free Ride bindings (large) $200

Black Diamond Accention Skins $50

Black Diamond Fric-loc poles $20

Scarpa Spirit3 Alpine Touring Boots (size MM330) $100

Will sell items individually or as a whole set up for $300.

Queensbury, NY


Strikeforce fight

Gina Carano vs Rosie Sexton. This really wasn't fair as Gina outweighed her by quite a bit. Gina came in 4 pounds over the limit, on fight night she looks a whole weight class bigger. Rosie ahead with the fight even though she didn't have to because Gina was overweight. Rosie still put up a good fight despite being outweighed by a very good fighter.

Is Rosie still fighting? She was good in Strikeforce.

male vs female

I really don't like men vs girls in grappling/mma whether in sparring or in actual competition because it puts the guy in such an awkward position. If he loses he is a pussy. He will never hear the end of that. If he wins its nothing he can boast of and if he hurts her he is a woman beater.

But because men tend to outnumber us in the gym, sometimes they have to match girls vs guys. In my experience, I don't know any guys who feel comfortable sparring me or any other girl. Do you?

Mud/Long Pond WLWF, 29 Dec 2014

Today, Tredhed and I wrapped up our 2014 hiking season with another low-key hike. This was a short jaunt to Mud and Round Pond in the Wilcox Lake Wild Forest. This would be my #5/23 in my self-imposed Mud Pond Challenge and my first "Winter Mud". Since it was a short hike, we hit the Garnet Lake Rd trailhead at a leisurely 9:00 and it turned out to be about right.

Noting the trail conditions, we left our snowshoes in the truck. Walking up Mud Pond Rd was relatively easy as the surface was well traveled and packed down by snow mobile, ATV, and snowshoes. It was, in some spots, a little icy. There were, however, plenty of wind fall trees across the road that required minor detours. We quickly covered the .7 miles to Mud Pond and arrived at the north shore via the branch trail. We had a good view across the frozen marshes to Wolf Pond Mt (Photo 1).

After soaking up the sights, we pressed ahead to the Smith estate site, just a few hundred yards up the road. While all the buildings are gone, there is still plenty of evidence of the house that used to stand here and the nice view they must have had.

We poked around the clearing for a few minutes and then headed up the trail to Round Pond. While it seemed that we were the first people on this trail since the snows of November, the conditions were fine. Even though the trail wasn't marked, we had no problem following the trace through the woods. It was very wet in some spots and crusty snow in others, but not that big of a deal (Photo 2). Again, there were plenty of wind-felled branches that required removal from the trail in order for us to pass.

Round Pond appeared twenty minutes after we left he Smith estate and again, the trail dumped us out in a swamp. We tried to cross the swamp to a beautiful rocky peninsula with no joy. Not wishing to test the ice after last weeks warm spell, we sought other adventures. Fortunately, the well maintained herd path around the NW shore of the lake brought us to some great vistas of Wolf Pond Mt. (Photo 3) and a neat little island with a few pine trees on the (Photo 4).

After a quick snack it was time to head back to Garnet Lake Rd. The trail passed quickly as we climbed the small hill between the two ponds and then walked downhill on Mud Pond Rd. Just before we got to the end of the road, we were treated to a great view of the west face of Crane Mt. (Photo 5). After about three hours in the woods, it was back to the bright lights and big city, but not before stopping at George Henry's in Warrensburg for a little nosh and Long Trail on tap.

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Jones vs Comier

When is the fight scheduled? I will pay to watch. Should be great as they are evenly matched.

Idris Elba - the next Bond?

Elba was my pick for the next Bond as far back as when Casino Royale was released in 2006.

Daniel Craig is the best actor to play Bond to date, in my opinion. His arrival (finally, thankfully) hailed the departure of a rather camp character who relied far too much on gadgets. Elba is the only British actor that comes to mind as Craig's potential replacement (Luke Evans and Clive Owen would be on my shortlist too).

The only problem with Elba replacing an aging Craig (let's face it, the role requires a certain youthfulness) is that he is four years younger than the current Bond; Craig has been announced to return for Bond 25 (the one after Spectre, which is filming as we speak).

But I think Elba's skin colour should have no bearing on his selection. Rush Lambaugh's remarks are disgusting. The only constant that should remain, in my opinion, when selecting actors is that they are actually British.

Thoughts? Specifically, who would be your pick after Craig?


Is it realistic to climb Mt. Jo with snowshoes? I'm new to this and don't want to get in over my head without proper equipment. And I want to start small!

thanks in advance.


For Sale Lowa Tibet LL Boots size 9

I have a pair of Lowa Tibet LL boots - size 9 US mens for sale. Leather lined, non-gore tex. They have been worn maybe 3 times in my yard for a total of maybe 3 hours. Some slight scuffing but very minimal. I got them directly from Lowa on a warranty exchange and they are just not suited to my needs. They sell for $360 most everywhere from what I have seen.

I will sell them for $275 shipped. If any interest let me know and I can get a photo posted. Great, pretty top end boot, just not what I needed.

Please post here if interested. Paypal preferred.

Buck mountain conditions?

Anyone hike buck mountain in past 3 weeks? Do you need snowshoes

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Black mt conditions?

With a lot of rain past few days has anyone hiked black mountain in lake George area? If so did you need snowshoes or just boots?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

UFC Silva vs Diaz

i am interested in watching the upcoming Silva vs Diaz match in UFC is there any way i can watch it live on my laptop or computer as i dont have sky or pay per view or anything like that

A Futures/Options Trading Whatsapp Chatgroup

INFORMATION IS KEY TO TRADERS: A FUTURES whatsapp group chat hosting traders from Malaysia & Singapore. Inside this chat group, we will share live MARKET NEWS/ANALYSIS/ECONOMIC DATA. I would like to invite you to join us. Should you be interested, please feel free to msg me @ +65 93800689 so that I can add you into our group. ;):)

dimanche 28 décembre 2014

iPhone 5S 16GB, Gold (Brand New)

iPhone 5s @ Lower Price! Brand New! Good Deal and Fast!

[WTS] iPhone 5S 16GB, Gold, Brand New

Package includes: Full Set, box, cable, charger plug, manual, everything that should be in

Price: RM1,650

Dealing method: COD

Location: Kuala Lumpur, Cheras, Kajang

Contact method/details: PM, Whatsapp, SMS, Phone Call @ 012 9796022 for further discussion

Item(s) conditions: Brand New 10/10, just ON once when the iPhone dealer test the ON/OFF of the phone

Reason for sale: Got this set from mobile plan, as still using iPhone 5 and need the cash, so selling it out.

Teaching those with mental disabilities?

I have experience teaching a large variety of people including those with physical disabilities, though I would by no means say they are disabled. I realized I don't have much experience teaching those with metal disabilities when a mother brought in her autistic son to try out a class. He is very compliant but has difficulty copying basic movements, understanding explanations, and regulating his level of force. He can eventually do very short sequences of basic movements but never without major mistakes. The highest level of verbal response I have gotten from him is the word "okay."

I do have a good grasp on behavioural conditioning and a decent understanding of autism. My usual methodology is that if students do not understand something to condition them to do it properly so as to produce effective responses, and to deal with comprehension later. I'm highly reluctant to do that here because I don't think I could convey the concepts necessary to make things work for him or to be safe for others. All other concerns aside it just feels ethically wrong to only behaviourally condition someone without their understanding. It just feels like a lack of consent on their part.

I view this as a teaching puzzle and an opportunity for learning, not an issue on his end so any insight into how I can reach him better would be helpful. I hate myself a little for saying this but if I can't find a more effective way to reach him I may have to suggest that other activities might be more suitable for him. I just can't justify spending that much time on one student. Unfortunately that doesn't seem like a particularly ethical decision either.

Does anyone else have any experience teaching autistic people or those with other developmental difficulties?

Sifu Ben

Sorry, I'm Canadian!

Just thought I should promote one of our better stereotypes. Anyways I'm a Wing Chun Sifu. I've been training cross-training for a long time and had some longer stints in certain schools and styles than others. Probably my favourite style that I've trained in was BJJ. It was great to be able to use it in MMA but the pure jits was always so much fun :love:

I work in a law enforcement related field but my non-disclosure agreement prohibits me from discussing any real specifics about my job. More's the pity as there's some great stories just bursting to get out :D.

Hope to learn lots from everyone here and maybe even share a little.

Sifu Ben

Some ink drawings

The state of MMA 5 years from now

*disclaimer- If this has been brought up in a different post, just tag me in the link so I can find it.

OK I'm a huge mma fan, it was the first and only sport I enjoyed for a long time. being a martial arts nerd for most of my child years it was the only thing I actually enjoyed watching as a sport, or felt I could relate to.

Which is why I'm so worried about it as a sport and activity right now. With the combination of UFC big lawsuit combined with steadily dropping ppv buys do you think mma will be around for much longer?

I'm especially worried due to the great impact MMA had on the rest of the martial arts world. Compete in the sport or not, MMA and its approach was effective at weeding out a lot of the ******** in the martial arts world that plagued it since the Bruce Lee era. People who thought the dim mak death touch, and chi organ rips were what real martial arts was were quickly silenced when they saw real fights.

So would the martial arts world revert back to Ashida Kim bullshitery once more if MMA is out of the picture.

I'm probably getting ahead of myself, and reading too much caged potato or jumping the gun here but this is something that concerns me.


Ok so im new on this forum. I am a 29 year old mma specializing in muay thai.... I say specializing with a grain of salt because I do this as a hobby (Im usually at home with the kids) and train about 3 times a week. I dont fight professionally or all that.

My mouth-guard gets extremely nasty cuz I sweat (yup it goes in my mouth lol) and just in general gets gross. I usually just buy new ones but I got a really professionally fitted one for Christmas and don't wanna throw this one out.

I found this cleaner for it online called OapCleaner which is great, but should I be worried about possibly putting a foreign substance on my guard for health reasons? (im very strict about what i consume). The stuff says FDA cleared but I never heard of it.....


Motivation! how do you get past blocks?

So. for a while now I'very been watching The Strength project on YouTube. The channel puts out a lot of meterial on calisthenics. After watching guys like Adam Raw, Hannibal(no not you cowboy), and Frank Medrano it's a style or working out i have tried to adopt but I can't seem to keep at it. I have the same problem with stretching and drawing. I keep hitting road block at the very beginning that I can't seem to get past. I know once I have reach a certain level I'll start having fun with it and continuing won't be an issue.

So my question to you fine folks. How do you get past these road blocks when you start a acquiring a new skill? Do you have any motivational tricks you like to use? For me. It helps when I have someone with me pushing me and talk nasty to me. Fuels the rage. This doesn't work so well for drawing. Anyways. What do you guys do?

steelhead hammer

anyone tie steelhead hammers? specifically the orvis version. there is another version with a floss body but im having trouble perfecting the body of the orvis version. I've attached a pic if anyone has any links i can reference or can explain the best way to do it. there's a nymph i used to tie that had the same body but i stopped using it a few years ago and cant remember how i did it.

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Don't inhale !

This clip made me chuckle. It was tweeted by Quentin Somerville,hardened

warzone reporter,as a bit of light relief at Christmas from his usual grim

subject matter ;

Spruce Mtn Firetower 12/27/14

I hiked Spruce Mtn (Corinth) to see how many trees were down form the snowstorm earlier in the month. There was not very much down in the trail. This is a quick ski loop not too far from where I live, so I was glad to see that the trail is passable.

I was surprised to see that a lot of work has been done on the tower. All of the stair treads and platforms have been replaced. Two sets of stars were removed, so that you cannot go up the tower. There is also a small radio antena on the tower with power from a nearby pole. It looks like a few trees that were close to the tower have been removed. It does not look like anything has been done to the cab. I'm not sure if this work was done to open the tower for public use or if was for the communication antenna only. It would be great to have the tower open. Photo of the tower is below. You can see the new wood on the steps.

samedi 27 décembre 2014

How to tell if a gym is good?

Hey guys im thinking of dipping my toes back into the mma world again not that they were that wet into it in the first place. I found this school, a bit pricey but really conveniently located.

Is there any thing glaring about these guys that should single me to look else where? I did stop right before the wrestling class and that instructor is no joke and looks impressive as heck.

I know the website say no sparring but when i talked to them, they have a seperate sparring class. They put the no sparring up front to bring in more potential newbs to mma.. I can understand why they state it on the site.

The Bjj guy is only a purple but meh im less then a white so dont think that will be a huge issue.

Its the Mauy Thai coach im looking at. I watched a recent fight of his and he lost by decision. It was not the most visually endearing fight either. However that was his first fight in a really long time so i cant put to much emphasis on it. There is also a sparring video on his face book page. I cant link it because it would violate rules but you can look him up and see it.

So what do you guys think? I know im really leary of the contract thing, and it is really pricey. I have other concerns but i just want some input.

You have to pay for drop in class's so no free trial class.

I wont get to up in arms i promise. I am likely to try it, but as i have stated in the past i dont want to waste my money or time.

Best Route SYR,ROC,BUF, etc to LP / High Peak Region

I'm not looking for advice or anything, I'm just looking to see what route most take when heading to the High Peak / Lake Placid / Saranac / Tupper area from points west.

The map software all says to go up the I-81 to Watertown and take 3 east to the 86... I find this drive pleasant enough, but I always find the mapping software undershoots the total drive time by quite a bit.

If you switch the map program up to take the 365 to the 12N to the 28 then 30... meeting the 3 in Tupper Lake the software says its about 10-15 minutes slower than the Watertown route. My experience is the drive time is closer to the software calculations... and is more enjoyable/scenic than taking the 3 all the way across. Thus, unless weather is an issue, this is my route of choice.

For anyone in the Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, and (dare I say) Niagara areas, which route do you prefer?

Has anyone here hiked the Neusiok Trail in the Croatan National Forest in NC?

I'm going to be in New Berne, NC next week while traveling for the holidays, and I've been looking at doing the Neusiok Trail in the nearby Croatan National Forest while I am in the area. I'm curious to see if others here have hiked this trail before, and if they have any suggestions based on their experiences.

As of right now, we're considering 2 itineraries- doing the trail in 2 days, and camping at the Dogwood Camp Shelter, or doing the trail in 3 days, and camping at the Dogwood Camp and Blackjack Lodge Shelters.

My main concern is with water availability, as fresh water is not readily found along the trail. I know that the 3 shelters along the trail have wells with hand pumps, but I've also read that they can be unreliable. Does anyone who's hiked the trail have any experience with the wells not working? We're considering carrying extra water, and also stashing some water at a road crossing along the trail.

Also, how is the bear situation in the Croatan National Forest? Is it worth bringing a bear canister? Or is doing a bear hang sufficient?

Thanks in advance for anyone who has helpful information. I'm looking forward to doing some backpacking in a new area. :-)

Best of the best

How would Floyd Mayweather have done against Sugar Ray Robinson or Harry Greb? Call me crazy but I think he could beat Robinson. Greb I can't say cause I've never actually seen a fight of his, I just know his record and reputation.

Boxing as a Martial Art

Does anyone here train their Boxing as a martial art? If so, what kind of things do you work on apart from the usual sport-related training?

Hello Everyone

I am a neophyte Karateka, previously I started learning Wushu and Judo but couldn't continue due to various reasons. My hobbies are reading, surfing the internet, watching movies and listening to music etc.

I think this is a truly excellent forum for martial art practitioners. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

vendredi 26 décembre 2014

Hammond Pond, HPWF, 26 Dec 2014

For todays low-key snowshoe hike, Tredhed and I went to another one of our "Happy Places"; the Hammond Pond Wild Forest. Since we've never been to the HPWF's name-sake, we figured today was a good time to stop there on our way to Bloody Pond. Sadly, Bloody Pond will have to wait for another day as high water kept us on the wrong side of Black Bk.

We hit the Ensign Pond Rd trailhead (Photo 1) and were pleasantly surprised to find it plowed out. After signing in at the register, the .8 miles to Hammond Pond went quickly. There was only one noticeable blow-down on the wide trail. Snow conditions were spring-like with granular packed snow on the trail and mushy snow off trail. There were plenty of wet spots and wind blown branches on the trail to keep us on our toes.

The trail paralleled Black Bk. which was running very high and out of its banks in some spots. Soon after the fork in the trail, the Hammond Pond spillway came into view (Photo 2). After a few more steps, the rest of Hammond Pond lay before us. We were impressed by the massive cliffs on Sweet Fern Hill (Photo 3) and Hail Mt. climbing up from the edge of the pond (Photo 4).

After a quick re-hydration break, we backtracked to the fork and struck out towards Bloody Pond. It was immediately obvious that this trail wasn't as well maintained as the main trail to Hammond Pond. Several large blow-downs blocked the way making for some interesting detours. However, we were surprised to see a PVC pipe coming out of the side of the hill adjacent to the trail that was tapping a free flowing spring. :thumbs: Yum! Perhaps the biggest surprise of the day was when we got to the crossing of Black Bk and discovered there was no bridge (Photo 5). :eek:

We contemplated the thigh deep water, which would have been our fate had we attempted to cross the one skinny spruce log that spanned the stream. Discretion being the better part of valor, we declared victory and headed back to the car. One the way back, we made up for our disappointment by checking out the raging waterfall on the Berrymill Bk. (Photo 6). It was just a hundred yards upstream from the bridge and definitely worth the detour.

This winter we're 0-2 on finishing our hikes as planned. I guess the good lesson here is to be flexible in your itinerary and don't get target fixation on the destination. Besides, if we had got dorked up trying to cross Black Bk. we wouldn't have been able to enjoy a delicious Switchback on tap at Flannigan's in Schroon Lake.

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Bored of Kicking?

Hi All,

I started TKD back in 1995. I have trained a majority of the time with a few gaps here and there (university, injuries).

I have had various problems over the years, ankle problem, knee pains, hip clicking. Anyways, over the last year or so I have had NO interest in kicking. I kind of fell out of love with kicking.

I still enjoy TKD and I know there is a lot of kicking involved but for some reason my passion for the whole flexibility, kicking side of TKD has totally gone.

In 2015 I am planning to work on my hands a lot more, and I plan to pick up a few boxing classes a week if time permits. I am visiting a boxing club in the new year.

Has anybody else ever had this? Where you just don't want to kick or done finding kicking fun any more?

Happy Birthday Righty

I'm out of practice and almost missed this one....

Happy Birthday Righty.

Hope you had a great day!


I was thinking about competing in this, then I seen this line:


The obvious difference is in WCJJO sport ju-jitsu there is no cage, and a competitor is free at any time to step into a safe area surrounding the mat … Next - the level of allowed contact under WCJJO rules is ‘touch contact’ with strict rules on what might be deemed as excessive force … one might suggest that WCJJO sport ju-jitsu is MMA without the lust for blood .

I'm a vampire apparently.

Seriously though, a knock out is a valid form of winning, so why with the snide comment?

Ausable Chasm Ski trails

I came across an article from back in 2011 saying that Ausable Chasm was re-opening xc ski trails that had been closed for a long time located on the mace chasm road.

I cant find any info about them on their website or any more recent references to them. Was wondering if anyone had any updated info on this. Thanks.

Dragon Blade

Brody. Cusack. Chan.

Everyone chewing their lines like its a $2 steak..

I'm so gonna love this movie.

closed threads.

I believe the mods are wrong in closing ANY thread that is dealing with child/parenting issues. Even if it is.only for a short time. No bullying issues, no keeping your kids in ma, no issues regarding kids at all! Come on! I understand that the reason for closing one specific thread recently and even suppor the decision to do so, but closing ALL pertaining to a patenting issue is just wrong.

Perhaps I am just being hard headed on this, but I am really irritated by a potentially great thread being closed . Political correctness can be more harmful than good.

What would you do?

PASmith's thread asking for advice got me thinking about how people interpret social conventions differently, and therefore choose different responses to situations. This gave me the idea for a thread where we could post a difficult or awkward scenario (can be MA related or not, your choice) on a, say, weekly basis. We can debate the topic (healthily, and within TOS of course :D ) on the understanding that there are no right or wrong answers (except mine, which are never wrong!)

So, to get the ball rolling - you're in a restaurant enjoying a quiet meal with your other half/best friend, and the calm atmosphere is broken by the sound of a relatively newborn baby crying very loudly. This goes on for 5+ minutes with no sign of stopping. The staff and other customers do nothing. (This happened to me today.)

What would you do?

spring kayaking trip

Hello, I'm planning a spring trip for myself and 5 coworkers. We're novice kayakers and want to take a 2-3 day trip in the boats with either lean-to or tent camping. Would appreciate input from experienced boaters that may have some ideas for quality trips they may have already taken . We would like to be in the adirondak region. Thanks Dan

Black Belt Misconceptions?

As serious martial arts aficionados, how do you feel about the Western idea that receiving a black belt in any given style is the be-all, end-all of knowledge in that style?

On the contrary, I've read that for most MA styles (like those that originated in Asia), receiving a black belt merely signifies that you've mastered just the bare bones basics and NOW you're ready to begin to get into the meat of your training. In other words, receiving your first dan is the martial arts equivalent of receiving your High School Diploma.

jeudi 25 décembre 2014

Kaspersky Lab Launches Online Radar for the Most Dangerous Cyberthreats

As complex operations become an increasingly frequent feature of contemporary cybercrime, Kaspersky Lab is launching an online service that brings together all the information it holds on the most sophisticated cyber campaigns. The interactive Targeted cyberattacks logbook project displays the research and analysis of the company’s renowned Global Research and Analysis Team.

Currently, the team’s portfolio contains several years’ worth of research into 29 major targeted attacks, including high-profile campaigns such as Regin, Darkhotel, Cloud Atlas, and more. Through the new service users can explore links between threats as well as their trends and impact, or investigate the behavior of specific threats.

Each cyberattack is displayed on the timeline in the form of a ship: the bigger the vessel, the longer the attack has been in operation. The wake behind the ship shows the time from the detection of the first malware samples to the publication of the results of the research project. The color gradient indicates the number of victims.

The service makes it possible to view links between different cyber campaigns and retrieve detailed information on each of them, including the geography of infections, the ways in which malware was spread, the cybercriminals’ targets and the special features of each attack. A convenient filter helps to sort the attacks by categories, making it possible to home in on those that, for example, only targeted information from private companies, in a specific country, and using certain techniques.

“Four years ago we could regard targeted cyber campaigns as one-offs, but now we are investigating more and more of these incidents every year. They are no longer unique events; they have found a special niche in the world of cyberthreat and demand special attention. That’s why we are launching this new online service. We want to demonstrate the scale of sophisticated cyber campaigns and provide a means of evaluating their growth and reach. In 2014 alone, we recorded more than 4,400 victims of targeted attacks on the corporate sector,” said Alexander Gostev, Chief Security Expert at Kaspersky Lab.

• The interactive chronicle of targeted cyberattacks is available at

• To read about new trends in the APT world, please visit the Securelist blog.

• To find out more about key events that have defined the threat landscape in 2014, please read Kaspersky Lab’s report in full here.

• To watch Kaspersky Lab's video “Game of cyber-thrones: attacks on the corporate sector and business executives in 2014”, please click here.

About Kaspersky Lab

Kaspersky Lab is the world’s largest privately held vendor of endpoint protection solutions. The company is ranked among the world’s top four vendors of security solutions for endpoint users*. Throughout its more than 17-year history Kaspersky Lab has remained an innovator in IT security and provides effective digital security solutions for large enterprises, SMBs and consumers. Kaspersky Lab, with its holding company registered in the United Kingdom, currently operates in almost 200 countries and territories across the globe, providing protection for over 300 million users worldwide. Learn more at

* The company was rated fourth in the IDC rating Worldwide Endpoint Security Revenue by Vendor, 2013. The rating was published in the IDC report "Worldwide Endpoint Security 2014–2018 Forecast and 2013 Vendor Shares (IDC #250210, August 2014). The report ranked software vendors according to earnings from sales of endpoint security solutions in 2013.

How Long?

I was wondering how long you spend outside the dojang each day/week/month on your TKD Patterns?

Currently apart from in the dojang I am not putting in any 'extra' so to say. I want to allocate about an hour maybe once or twice a week going forwards specifically for patterns.

Introductions from Prague!

Hi everyone,

my name is Martina, called Nachi by some of my friends. I'm a 24-year-old girl from the Czech Republic. I more or less accidentaly discovered the wonders of karate a little over a year ago and I'm still "enjoying" all the bruises appearing non-stop. It became my big passion.

I practise Goju-Ryu Karate (under IOGKF) and recently passed the exam for 7th kyu. I have no other experience with martial arts, so I'm here mostly to learn new things (some recipe on how to possibly not get too beaten in kumite against big guys would be especially welcome :D)

And also: please pardon the mistakes in my English as it's not my native language...

And happy holidays!

Hikiing the Northville -Placid

Would like to hike the Northville-Lake Placid trail this summer. Like to know things like the best time to do it and any other in put on it . I m familiar with the Town of Wells we have had a camp their for over 50 years . Have done many small hikes over the years -Pine Orchard, White house and such. thanks for any info

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Woodhull Fire Tower in Winter

Hey All,

In reading about the Woodhull Fire Tower I learned that it can be a bike and hike in the summer. I was curious what it would be like as a cross country ski and hike in winter? Has anybody tried this?



dip station advice

Hey folks merry Christmas,

I'm thinking of purchasing a dip station with some of my lovely Christmas pennies as I'm keen to focus on bodyweight training in the new year. I just wondered if anyone could recommend a good one to get that is resonably priced, I've seen the pull up mate one which looks ok as you can do rows and push ups on it too, but if anyone has any other recommendations or advice it would be greatly appreciated and received :)

Thanks in advance and happy new year

The Truth (sport motivational short)

This is my newest short. If you have a moment, check it out.

"Die Wahrheit" (The Truth) is our submission for the SWR newcomer contest “Visio 2014”.

The short movie displays the topic sport motivation and tells the story of an athlete and his hurdles he has to deal with to reach his goals.


by Patrick Etter.

Athlete: Michael Braun

Voice: Jo Jung

We filmed this on locations in and around Nürnberg.

This was shot on a Canon Eos C100 with the Lens Canon EF-S 17-55/2,8 and a Canon EF 70-200/1:2,8 IS. The second unit was a Canon 5D Mark II with the Lens Canon EF 17-40mm/1:4,0 L USM.

Have FUN and please let me know what you think of it!

mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Merry Christmas to All and to All Good fishing and hunting!!

I wish each and every one of you guys/girls a very great Merry Christmas!! and hope you and your families a very healthy New Year!!:):boozing:


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Photos of the week

The most enjoyable "photos of the week" thread seems to have disappeared. If I may, I would like to start a new one with this seasonal greeting. It's not exactly this week, but close enough.

merry christmas

Happy Holidays all. I would invite you all to my house for Christmas dinner but Curitiba may be too far for you to travel.

I'm new to the world of Martial Arts!

I am enrolled in a martial arts school in a town betwen Austin, Texas and San Antonio, Texas. In this school, there are those teenagers (I don't know their ages, since I do not ask) and children (younger than 11) with (junior) black belts.

Am I dealing with (what is perjoratively known in the martial arts community as) a "McDojo"? Am I dealing with bullshido teachings?

The reason I ask is because a couple of people close to me enrolled me in this school, and naturally, I research the world of martial arts so I will know what I am getting into.

Based on what I have uncovered, I have a feeling that most "junior" black belts AREN'T legitimate, for the simple reason that at one point in time, studying the martial arts was brutal. The martial arts were HARDCORE back in the day, with full-contact sparring with ZERO protective gear.

Is it true that in many cases, a high ranking dan under a certain age is illegitimate? After all, Chuck Norris and Vladimir Putin are black belt 8th and 9th level dans in TKD, respectively-- and they are both in their late 60s or early 70s. Both of these men studied Martial Arts for a majority of their lives.

Chuck Norris is allegedly a 10th (Grand Master) level dan in Tang Soo Do. I found that to reach Grand Master status, you have to practice that specific art for about 40 years.

I also found out that when a master/grandmaster claims to visit and/or teach at a hole-in-the-wall school, there is a very near 100% chance that the claim is B.S. on at least two fronts:

A) A legitimate master/grandmaster would NEVER visit a hole-in-the-wall rinky-dink studio, as in the world of Martial Arts, legitimate Masters and Grand Masters are like the ancient gods. It would be like the CEO of Burger King deciding to work the grill.

B) Legitimate grand masters and masters tend to be elderly, and most of those supposed masters are still young.

However, I could be wrong in this.

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Nike a pris cette abstraction roshe run jaune fluo colonnes amortisseur-comme activés sur la largeur du talon de leurs chaussures dotées de cette technologie. Nike nouveau contesté 78 artistes de remixer et acclimater l'action de Nike shoes.Nick Marsh, roshej99arunj99ajaunej99afluo 03761CJT des concurrents, a pris une paire de Air Maxes et exotiques les internes d'une Wii Balance Board à la volte-face de ses chaussures dans les contrôleurs. Si Bailey ne ont pas été de commencer par son entraîneur de football, peut-il être si célèbre dans le futur? Ce est ce qui précède pour vous. Si vous ne avez pas accepté une paire de chaussure pour la formation, peut une acquisition de drillmaster vous? La semelle de la chaussure est fabriquée sur place d'un agrégat de résumés tels que le polyuréthane, Phylon, Phylite (un total de Phylon et caoutchouc), et l'EVA, un matériau souple, de type mousse.

Selon Nike nouvelle innovation, Nike veut accomplir la séquelle cet utilisateur met naïvement sur les chaussures, tourne sur la carte antithèse ou des chaussures et joue à nouveau comme d'habitude, sauf que ce est pas un moyen habitués à jouer. La semelle de la chaussure est V74XNXAQ d'un alliage de composés élastiques construits. Art peut être connaissance avec tirage au sort et de l'image. Mais de nos jours, l'art est partout. Les gens peuvent dessiner dans une banque après la violation de la loi, manufactors peuvent tirer leur peinture dans les chaussures, ne importe qui peut accomplir leur physique Adorableness par tatouage. Si abondant choses à interpréter leur aperception en produits. Alors que Nike. Bien que la capitale Nike siège est au milieu à Beaverton, Oregon, les chaussures valides que Nike fournit aux consommateurs ordinaires sont produites dans des centaines d'usines sur le monde, et ne acceptons jamais été produite dans des usines aux États-Unis.

Avec seulement environ 10 pour cent des districts de l'académie de l'État (Dayton Académie public Roshe Run Nike Running Rose & Jaune Fluo Bas Prix Promotions France 5M67N2YY uniformes de l'académie aiguës pendant au atomiques certains étudiants, beaucoup d'enfants et les parents sur accepter certaines coudées franches si elle vient à l'accumulation de la looks dans leur retour à Roshe Run Nike Running Rose & Jaune Fluo Bas Prix Promotions France armoires. Cette appellation est la division pour l'acceptation de l'apparence de leur personnalité. 2014 est une année abondante pour Nike, avec l'alpha de la Coupe du Monde en Afrique du Sud, Nike a assorti étranger des articles en marché. De plus, à partir de la NBA à match de football, Nike a suivi son but - Just do it. Juste vous dites que votre réalisation est parfaite, comment les autres vous ne acceptent? Le chemin tout seul à l'apparence de votre adeptness est arène comme plus grand que vous le pouvez, mais les conditions préalables est que vous facturez à acheter une paire de chaussures Nike. Il a placé des capteurs Conseil Antithèse dans les semelles des chaussures et RE-jiggered quelques affaires à environ-face Air Maxes dans un Conseil Antithèse vivant.

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