mercredi 24 décembre 2014

I'm new to the world of Martial Arts!

I am enrolled in a martial arts school in a town betwen Austin, Texas and San Antonio, Texas. In this school, there are those teenagers (I don't know their ages, since I do not ask) and children (younger than 11) with (junior) black belts.

Am I dealing with (what is perjoratively known in the martial arts community as) a "McDojo"? Am I dealing with bullshido teachings?

The reason I ask is because a couple of people close to me enrolled me in this school, and naturally, I research the world of martial arts so I will know what I am getting into.

Based on what I have uncovered, I have a feeling that most "junior" black belts AREN'T legitimate, for the simple reason that at one point in time, studying the martial arts was brutal. The martial arts were HARDCORE back in the day, with full-contact sparring with ZERO protective gear.

Is it true that in many cases, a high ranking dan under a certain age is illegitimate? After all, Chuck Norris and Vladimir Putin are black belt 8th and 9th level dans in TKD, respectively-- and they are both in their late 60s or early 70s. Both of these men studied Martial Arts for a majority of their lives.

Chuck Norris is allegedly a 10th (Grand Master) level dan in Tang Soo Do. I found that to reach Grand Master status, you have to practice that specific art for about 40 years.

I also found out that when a master/grandmaster claims to visit and/or teach at a hole-in-the-wall school, there is a very near 100% chance that the claim is B.S. on at least two fronts:

A) A legitimate master/grandmaster would NEVER visit a hole-in-the-wall rinky-dink studio, as in the world of Martial Arts, legitimate Masters and Grand Masters are like the ancient gods. It would be like the CEO of Burger King deciding to work the grill.

B) Legitimate grand masters and masters tend to be elderly, and most of those supposed masters are still young.

However, I could be wrong in this.

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