lundi 22 décembre 2014

Hi! I'm new here!

I have been a black belt in Tang Soo Do for a year now and enjoy practicing it very much. I also can be very opinionated and tend to speak my mind. I also have Asperger's which is a milder version of autism and I may not understand how others may interpret what I say or understand what people say to me sometimes. I was on another martial arts forum but it seems to have been shut down. There weren't too many people using the site to be honest. But I am passionate with my training and I will always do my best to learn and understand what my instructors teach me. I would like to become a certified instructor and start a class that specializes in teaching kids and teens with autism and Asperger's to defend themselves but I have trouble at times with the terminology. I am also big into music and video games, especially Pokemon. I live in PA and I have one of the best and most respected instructors of Tang Soo Do in the state. He knows the art very well and as Hwang Kee had intended it to be since he trained under the founder.

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