mardi 23 décembre 2014

Competitiveness and cooperative rolling

I'm not competitive and a cooperative roller by nature. It usually takes quite a bit of psyching up for me to really crank up the intensity. As everyone who trains knows, few people follow through on how hard they want to roll and here I am, systematically going 40% to their 70% or 70% to their 100% etc, giving up sweeps and passes and subs while getting full resistance from them. It's not all bad as I think that is to my advantage from a technical standpoint but I'm wondering if I'm selling myself short in the process. As an example, I was rolling last night and got swept from side mount. One of our coaches was watching on and cheered on my rolling partner and congratulating him on pulling off the move as we'd been working on it recently...but the entire time they were patting each other's back I'm thinking "are they realizing I didn't resist that hard?

Anyone struggling (for lack of a better word) with this?

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