dimanche 28 décembre 2014

The state of MMA 5 years from now

*disclaimer- If this has been brought up in a different post, just tag me in the link so I can find it.

OK I'm a huge mma fan, it was the first and only sport I enjoyed for a long time. being a martial arts nerd for most of my child years it was the only thing I actually enjoyed watching as a sport, or felt I could relate to.

Which is why I'm so worried about it as a sport and activity right now. With the combination of UFC big lawsuit combined with steadily dropping ppv buys do you think mma will be around for much longer?

I'm especially worried due to the great impact MMA had on the rest of the martial arts world. Compete in the sport or not, MMA and its approach was effective at weeding out a lot of the ******** in the martial arts world that plagued it since the Bruce Lee era. People who thought the dim mak death touch, and chi organ rips were what real martial arts was were quickly silenced when they saw real fights.

So would the martial arts world revert back to Ashida Kim bullshitery once more if MMA is out of the picture.

I'm probably getting ahead of myself, and reading too much caged potato or jumping the gun here but this is something that concerns me.

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