samedi 27 décembre 2014

Best Route SYR,ROC,BUF, etc to LP / High Peak Region

I'm not looking for advice or anything, I'm just looking to see what route most take when heading to the High Peak / Lake Placid / Saranac / Tupper area from points west.

The map software all says to go up the I-81 to Watertown and take 3 east to the 86... I find this drive pleasant enough, but I always find the mapping software undershoots the total drive time by quite a bit.

If you switch the map program up to take the 365 to the 12N to the 28 then 30... meeting the 3 in Tupper Lake the software says its about 10-15 minutes slower than the Watertown route. My experience is the drive time is closer to the software calculations... and is more enjoyable/scenic than taking the 3 all the way across. Thus, unless weather is an issue, this is my route of choice.

For anyone in the Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, and (dare I say) Niagara areas, which route do you prefer?

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