lundi 29 décembre 2014

Hap Do Sool

I started my martial arts training in the Korean Hybrid art of Hap Do Sool. They came to my small hometown of Ladner, BC in the mid-nineties, and I trained for two years until I moved away.

HDS was really ahead of it's time. We learned striking, throwing, ground work, and joint manipulation. This was before the days of MMA, and UFC was still fairly new and underground.

The quality of training I received there really jaded my view of other Martial Arts, and I felt (as a homesick teenager) that all styles were inferior to HDS, and that my previous Master could have mopped the floor with any instructor in my new home town.

It remains a very small Martial Art with only two active branches. It had such a huge effect on me, and I still compare it with other styles to this day.

Are there any current or former Hap Do Sool practitioners on this site? I'd love to hear from you. Especially if you live in Victoria, BC.

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