vendredi 26 décembre 2014

Bored of Kicking?

Hi All,

I started TKD back in 1995. I have trained a majority of the time with a few gaps here and there (university, injuries).

I have had various problems over the years, ankle problem, knee pains, hip clicking. Anyways, over the last year or so I have had NO interest in kicking. I kind of fell out of love with kicking.

I still enjoy TKD and I know there is a lot of kicking involved but for some reason my passion for the whole flexibility, kicking side of TKD has totally gone.

In 2015 I am planning to work on my hands a lot more, and I plan to pick up a few boxing classes a week if time permits. I am visiting a boxing club in the new year.

Has anybody else ever had this? Where you just don't want to kick or done finding kicking fun any more?

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