dimanche 28 décembre 2014

Motivation! how do you get past blocks?

So. for a while now I'very been watching The Strength project on YouTube. The channel puts out a lot of meterial on calisthenics. After watching guys like Adam Raw, Hannibal(no not you cowboy), and Frank Medrano it's a style or working out i have tried to adopt but I can't seem to keep at it. I have the same problem with stretching and drawing. I keep hitting road block at the very beginning that I can't seem to get past. I know once I have reach a certain level I'll start having fun with it and continuing won't be an issue.

So my question to you fine folks. How do you get past these road blocks when you start a acquiring a new skill? Do you have any motivational tricks you like to use? For me. It helps when I have someone with me pushing me and talk nasty to me. Fuels the rage. This doesn't work so well for drawing. Anyways. What do you guys do?

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