mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Failed belt tests/ gradings

The only thing I found was a decade old thread, so I dare to make a new one instead of reviving the dead.

I wonder, if anyone here has ever failed a belt test/ grading and what the reasons were.

Or to the testers (is that the word?): What were the reasons you had to let someone not pass their gradings?

I admit, I asked the same question in a German forum and found some interesting responses, so I thought I'd try it here as well.

Hope that's okay!

(If not just delete or close this thread)

To be fair, I make the start:

So far I only had one test and passed that as well.

But I got disqualified from another ten minutes prior, because I got test anxiety and wouldn't warm up.

Reason enough for my coach to tell me to please leave the mats for that day.

EDIT: Just to be sure (since GoldShifter mentioned BB-test) - I mean test for Kyu/Kup-grades as well as BB tests. Or whatever your organization uses ^^

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