mardi 30 décembre 2014

London street shoot-out - slap on the wrist?

I'm curious about the following story. The two blokes show up to try and kill someone in a revenge attack with a gun. After apparently shooting up the pub or trying to shoot his intended target he is then confronted by a cop where he unloads another eight rounds at the copper.

Yet he's not found guilty of attempted murder. He's found guilty of guilty of possessing a firearm and ammunition with intent to endanger life.

How on earth does someone with a loaded gun that is intent on shooting someone in revenge and who then uses the same gun to shoot at coppers not end up with attempted murder?

Was he aiming to simply scare the copper off with eight rounds of lead. Was it simply a warning X8 rounds?

In the UK what are the parameters for being nailed for attempted murder. Surely it must very loose if this guy can get this far into a revenge shoot out and walk away with what seem to be slaps on the wrist?!



London street shoot-out CCTV footage released

18 December 2014 Last updated at 18:25 GMT

Two men have been found guilty of their involvement in a dramatic shoot-out with an armed police officer in north London.

The Old Bailey heard Sedat Meric fired at a Haringey pool bar three times in a revenge attack before turning his gun on an officer identified only as NC32 and firing a further eight rounds.

Meric, 25, from Tottenham and his accomplice Oktay Ayanoglu, 22, from East Finchley, both in north London, were found not guilty of attempted murder but guilty of possessing a firearm and ammunition with intent to endanger life.

They will be sentenced on 9 January.

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