mardi 23 décembre 2014

Advice needed

I am incredibly angry.

Earlier today my wife and daughter went round our close putting Christmas cards through our neighbours doors.

One of our older male neighbours saw fit to ask my 5 year old for a Christmas kiss and her being young and innocent she did it. It caught my wife off guard so she didn't say anything at the time but she's now told me and I'm literally shaking with adrenalin I'm that angry.

I want to go and tear strip off this guy for what he's done but my wife is worried that I'm too angry and so won't tell me exactly what house it is. I have a rough idea though although I don't know this guy to look at. We barely know this person and I've never spoken to him before.

So what do I do? I don't think I can let this lie. I think he's been bang out of order and needs a telling. If I leave it it'll lose impact and relevance.

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