jeudi 1 janvier 2015

Aikido or Jujutsu to complement Krav Maga training?

Hello, and happy new year. I have just started training in Krav Maga, and I think I would like to study another martial art along with this to improve my timing, control of techniques, body positioning etc. I notice that a lot of Krav Maga trainers have experience in some other martial art as well.

I have been considering either Aikido or Jujutsu (Japanese) for this purpose, and was hoping to canvass some opinions on the suitability of these arts, or how well they would work for my requirements. I must admit I am a little cautious about Aikido as I have read that it can take many years before it is a useful tool for self defense. I know that Aikido is very different in philosophy to Krav Maga, but the skills it teaches are surely beneficial.

Thanks for sharing :)

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