mercredi 14 janvier 2015

Behold...MAP dance!!!

So...I have a small confession to make. I can't dance to save my life but I love watching people dance. If done properly it's such a demanding discipline with so many factors to take into account that it is an art form IMO as much as any MA out there.

So let this be the thread in which pretty much any dance video that catches your eye be posted here! Dancing from TV shows, music videos, some crazy dude round someone's doesn't matter. If it's remotely interesting, post it!

Bonus points if fellow MAPers post themselves dancing :D.

Bozza posted this one in a different thread of some of the most insanely awesome hip movement I have ever seen:

EDIT: Damn it, give me a second.

2nd EDIT: OK, here we go:

Here's a contribution of my own from a TV show. Not normally much a fan of this particular dance style usually but this lad just blew me away when I watched him dance. Can't find the full video though:

And something a little sillier just to finish :D:

Ready? And....go!

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