mercredi 21 janvier 2015

Best (safest style) for Hard of Hearing?

My five-year old son would really love to take martial arts. I think it would be fantastic for him (he has some behavioral problems that it might also help with), however, I'm not sure what style to choose. He has a progressive hearing loss and a head-injury can cause further hearing loss. I have no intentions of making him living in a bubble, but I would like to direct him towards safer sports and activities.

What do you guys think would be some of his best options? We live in a large metro area so every option should be available.

FYI: I'm not really concerned about him being able to hear. He does pretty well with visual cues and we have an FM system, so the speaker's voice goes directly into his hearing aids. I'm primarily concerned with balancing life experience with the risk of injury/more hearing loss.


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