vendredi 16 janvier 2015

First Tae kwon do class - am i expecting too much??

Hi everyone

I just wanted to get some thoughts on a TKD class i went along to for the first time last night, maybe i was expecting too much ! must be all the stuff i was reading online beforehand........

Was quite a small class, myself - 2 ladies, and one older guy - they were all black belts, and one young lad about 10 years old, strange as i thought i was in an Adults class?

Anyway, did some stances, and walking stances - basic kicks.

bit of punching pads, nothing too extreme.

I asked if they did sparring , she said of course, but they didnt wear all the body protection.

The class finished after an hour, which didnt feel long enough for me, i thought it would be quite a workout, but im more worn out when i go out for a 3mile run during the week !

Also i thought 2 x 1 hr lessons a week, for £45 seemed a bit steep?

Class was ok, im just not sure whether to go back, even at the end when we did some stretches, which must have lasted all of 2 minutes. sitting on the floor, i noticed none of them could touch there toes. and they all wore black belts.

Not sure, first time in a TKD class, i really want to learn the patterns and do gradings, just not sure if this class will provide what i need.


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