lundi 19 janvier 2015

If you want real fighting, sign up or join the police

the amount of times I've heard this statement from non-martial artists, and even some martial artists confuses me.

I don't know if its a bizarre thing that MA practitioners want to fight to the death and harm others, but I've trained with people who are retired from the forces, and a lot of them tell me the hand to hand stuff they got was only brief and unless you drilled it a lot on your own, that what you got in basics wasnt all that great. Not that Im knocking the military or anything (the fitness and strength they have I swear would outdo most MA practitioning civilians like myself).

Is it common to hear this, because Im hearing it a lot more lately since trying other clubs. I dont think most martial artists train like we do because we want to be soldiers, right? I started martial arts because I needed a hobby that would get me active.

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