mercredi 21 janvier 2015

Marshall 1-17-15

I went with a group from the ADK--Albany Chapter led by the legendary Don Berens. At the Upper Works trail head before daybreak it was a bitter cold -15. Once we got moving I warmed up and was quite comfortable for the entire day after that. I used micro spikes until Flowed Lands, then switched to snow shoes for the rest of the way up the mountain, and left them on for the trek down. The sun was shining most of the way up, and it was beautiful with a nice blue sky. Going up the Herbert Brook was beautiful, with a great view, and was gradual enough I thought you could ski it if you wanted to. We made the summit in 4 hours, 5 minutes, and got back down to the trail head at Upper Works by around 2:30 pm. Probably the best winter hike I have done yet.

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