vendredi 16 janvier 2015

Middle Sister, (Three Sisters) Lake George Wild Forest 1/15/15

Yesterday I took my father on one of the routes near Warrensburg that I described

in the new edition of "Discover the Southern Adirondacks", only this time doing it

as a counter-clockwise loop rather than clockwise as described in the book.

We followed the Old Riverside Road southwest along the Hudson River from

the end of Katts Corners Road for about a mile, and turned up the side trail

just beyond the dilapidated cabin, which leads up into the valley between Bald

Mountain and the Middle Sister. We began the bushwhack a bit too early, and

were forced to climb up a short-but-very steep shoulder of the middle sister.

Once on top of the shoulder the views west began to appear towards Baldhead

and Moose Mountains in the distance.

We continued to climb up the southwest side of the mountain as the views grew,

and then began to shift towards the south over a shoulder of Bald Mountain.

We continued rolling around to the east side of the mountain where there are more

views toward Prospect Mountain. After a short break and a few more photos,

we continued to circle around the summit and descended the northeastern

slopes to intersect the trail coming from the Hickory Hill Ski Center, which lead

us back to Old Riverside Road just below the end of Katts Corners Road.

It was a gorgeous day!

We used snowshoes most of the day, but removed them in favor of micro-spikes

for the scramble up the steep shoulder, and the rest of the climb to the summit.

A few photos...

Climbing up the Middle Sister:

View west towards Baldhead and Moose Mountains:

View south over a shoulder of Bald Mountain:

View southeast:

Paddlewheel, Yours Truly, and Jenny, with Pine Mountain behind:

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