vendredi 29 juillet 2016


Confidence, the all elusive quality that is recommended by all in all things. What is it?

As i work now in a very big institution with thousands of people, the concept of "confidence" became something i became very interested in watching and analyzing (i'm not a psychopath, i'm in IT; similar but not the same)

In MA, many would say that is something that comes with training. Many train to gain it, as a primary goal. Then, i know some that have never had any training and never had any physical conflict in their lives, yet are very confident in their ability to deal with a nasty situation. Call it delusion, maybe, but it's still a form of confidence. In MA i found that some of the best trained or most experienced people that i know, are the least confident; maybe it's a case of knowing how much you don't know.

In work, the same. Confidence seems to have little to nothing to do with how good someone is. Some of the very best are questioning themselves while some of the worst are dead sure on everything they do.

It is IMO unquestionable that it's better to have it, then not. Regardless if it's based on something real or not.

Narcissism seems to be a clear factor for some people to explain their belief in themselves. Training and being good at what you do can bring some level of it. Encouragement and people believing in you is also a factor.

Given that there are not only real world, verifiable factors, in what gives people a feeling of confidence, but also purely delusional ones, the only logical conclusion i have, is that it's purely a way of thinking.

One think i am sure about, is that it's almost always better to have it, then not. Even if you are wrong, people seem to respect "action", even the wrong action, far more then hesitation. Just taking a decision, even the wrong one, seems to in itself build confidence for future decisions.

So, if it helps so much in life, can confidence, even the one based on delusion, be a bad thing? Is it better, more profitable, more advantageous, to be even deluded then knowledgeable but unsure?

What is confidence really? Where do you get it from?

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