lundi 25 juillet 2016


Okay, not sure how many of you keep up with social media on different platforms, but how many of you are aware of the leaked emails from the DNC and the fallouts since?

Summary for those who don't know:

Wikileaks published nearly 20,000 emails from the DNC (Democratic National Committee). Now a lot of them are silly/trivial ones like this one (that says "I love you too. No homo"

But there's also some incredibly serious allegations, such as:

1) The Democrats colluding with the media & rigging at least one primary against Bernie Sanders:
Which led to:
2) The Chair of the DNC (implicated in the leaked emails as working to commit election fraud) stepping down from her job...only to be given a job on Hillary's PR campaign:
Amusingly enough, this is the reaction she got when she tried to speak earlier today:
3) The DNC has apologised to Sanders following the email leaks:
4) The DNC used rather...unfavourable...terms to refer to different demographics, such as the "taco bowl engagement" for Hispanics
5) There's rumours that the DNC planned to reward large donors with Federal titles:
6) There's the suggestion that the DNC were instructed to spread rumours that Sanders supporters were "violent" to try and discredit him:

And one for the conspiracy theorists on MAP - the voter expansion data director of the DNC who was investigating "recent election fraud" turned up murdered. Of course there's already the conclusion he was assassinated, but no known data is available at this time:

Aaannnd the Observer also happened to run an article basically saying Wikileaks is working in the interests of the Russians to get Trump elected & stop Hillary:

So...yeah, it's been quite the debacle, lately.


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