dimanche 24 juillet 2016

Last known Puma/Mountain Lion in NY.

Excerpt from "NYS Forest, Fish and Game Commision Report 1902-1903."

"Dr. C. Hart Merriam, writing in 1886, says that he estimates that nearly 100 Pumas have been killed in the ADK's since 1860. Since 1871 the State of NY has paid bounties for the killing of 99 of these animals. Gerrit S. Miller Jr., writing in 1899, says the animal still exsists in the wilder portions of the ADK's . The last bounty was paid in 1894, for a Puma killed in Herkimer County. This may well be the last of these animals in NY."

I had a Great Great Uncle who killed a Puma in Oneida County before he left to fight and die in WW1. According to my Great Grandmother, He made a hat out of it. So the puma killed in 1894 in Herkimer County, may not have been the last in NY.

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