mercredi 20 juillet 2016

Most Unexpected Trail Sighting??

Hi all. Thought I would start this post asking what the most unexpected thing that you have ever seen/come across while out hiking in the Adirondacks was? Looking for the cases where it was about the last thing you ever expected to see that day. Something unique, shocking, funny, crazy, lucky... whatever the case. Maybe you came upon a few moose all together, a hiker in a business suit, a house cat in the middle of nowhere...?

For example - Just last fall my Dad and I were hiking the West Canada Lakes loop. We were plodding along on our first afternoon walking on the NPT next to Cedar Lakes when we rounded a bend in the trail and crossed paths with a group of six women. In and of itself no big deal, but what was interesting and unique about this particular group of ladies was that they were all amish women dressed in their traditional dresses and headwear. Now, of course, there is no reason why they can't or shouldn't be on the trail, but I can honestly say that that group was about the last thing I expected to see rounding the bend out that far in the wilderness. Not strangers to hard work in their culture, they all had gigantic packs which were making my legs a bit tired just looking at them. Throughout our trip we came across trail registers and several lean-to journals in which they had made entries. Using these we were able to get an idea of the pace they were moving and miles covered and I can tell you it was FAST and far. We had chatted with the women a bit and they all were very friendly, in good spirits and seemed to be enjoying the area immensely.

Maybe this occurrence isn't quite as rare as we supposed it to be, but it is certainly something neither my father nor I had seen before or since. Anyone else care to share a story?

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