jeudi 28 juillet 2016

Ticks this summer in the Adirondacks

I know this has been brought up in the past, but I'm just looking for an update, especially following the mild winter we had. Anyone seen an increase in ticks inside the blue line?

I'm from Pennsylvania where the problem is widespread and truly disgusting, in my opinion. It can be extremely disheartening to know that the cost of taking my dog for a hike will be at best removing large numbers of ticks from both her and I, and at worst dealing with Lyme disease or one of the other diseases they can carry. I developed the tell-tale "bulls-eye" rash two springs ago, but thankfully caught it soon enough for a long cycle of doxycycline to be effective. I'd rather not tempt fate a second time.

It makes me extremely grateful that, so far, I've always found the Adirondacks to be comparatively devoid of the little monsters. I cross my fingers and toes that it will remain that way.

Have any of you been seeing unusual numbers this summer? If so, in what general areas?

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