jeudi 20 octobre 2016

become a fighting machine

Hey Guys! first off sorry for the silly topic name, and sorry if posted in wrong section!

Im just got started to MMA ( focus on striking, wrestling and jiu jitsu ) i do mma twice a week, and then im in the gym 4 for strength and look, for 45 -60 minutes only. I have some questions for you. The ONLY reason why i do workout beside keeping myself healthy is self defense. I have been attacked twice by a group, and stabbed one of the times. Not because of my attitude, once because i stood up for my girlfriend and the other, because i was at the wrong place at the wrong place. So now i have decide i wanna be able to defend myself, IF talking or running, aint the option. So do you guys think that mma is a good thing, together with strength training. For this purpose?

The otherside i know a important thing, of getting stronger, bigger and faster, is the diet. I eat a lot of beef and veggies, and water. Dont eat to many carbs, only around working out, im mostly eating to get my proteins.


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