vendredi 21 octobre 2016

Fornication. Is it morally wrong???

Ok I didn't start this thread to start a debate. (oh and Im going to return to the thread we were deabting in to debate philosoraptor and answer questions later I've been busy) Just have an inellectual dialogue about this issue. I honestly don't have an opinion on this, so I wanted to hear what everyone else had to say about it from their perspective.

Now for quite a while I have made the decision for religious reasons to wait it out until I get married. Im not a virgin, but I'm not a modern day Casanova either. Although I've had my glorious moments, nothing really to brag and act all macho about.

But I've done some deep thinking on the subject of fornincation. In the bible it is morally wrong, But do you think that type of thinking is out dated.

The reason I ask is because back in those days there was no protection against disease, pregnancy, etc. Back then, fornication, or adultery could lead a tribe to not know who the real father was of the children. And imagine how things like that happening could affect a tribe of people. Fir example, since men had to go out and do macho stuff, like hunt for food while the women stayed home and cared for the children. Just imagine if she didn't know who the father was. She wouldn't have a PROVIDER, or HUNTER GATHERER to bring home the bacon and feed her as well as the children. Now, this isn't the only thing that could happen. Alot of things could happen which would cause complete chaos. Which is why Adulterers and fornicators were stoned in the OT. It wasn't just about morality. BUT .....................Now things have advanced.

One could argue, well, most men desire a virgin, and prefer to not have to share their woman with other men. I guess men are sort of naturally territorial when it comes to the woman they settle down with. But no man can really expect a woman to do something he won't do. If he expects the women around him to be virgins, he should hold himself to the same standard. after all, if it is wrong for a woman, it is wrong for a man too I suppose.

On the other hand a man may be ok with it, and would prefer to enjoy his life with various women, and he doesn't want to be a complete hypocrite, so he doesn't mind that the woman he settles down with also has a past. So he sort of trades that secret virgin fantasy, for the chance to enjoy himself with other women before he settles down.

On the other hand, I don't know how it is for women, but it can be pretty awkward for a man, if he ends up unintentionally meeting or running into one of the woman he settles down with, her past lover or lovers. That can make a guy feel pretty bad. But hey, he made the trade off. And if a guy or woman chooses to live their life like that, and they don't mind the consequences of their choices, who is anyone to judge them for making that decision.

So I ask, the board. Do you think it is morally wrong to fornicate or have relations before marriage. Why or why not? This is not a yes or no question.

To tell the truth, I don't have an opinion I am not entirely sure. I mean yeah, I believe in the bible, but as society advances things CAN change. I'm not saying things have changed and it's no longer considered sin, that's if you believe in the bible. But who knows?

Oh, and this is not a YES or NO question. If you feel it is morally wrong, state your reasons. If you don't state your reasons.

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