vendredi 21 octobre 2016

Matt Fiddes - Self Defence in Schools

It's worth bringing this to the main forum for discussion. Keith Cooper posted a link to our Facebook group with a petition from Matt Fiddes to teach martial arts / self defence in schools. Clearly this is a move by him to get into schools for a huge amount of free advertising, but from our perspective as both martial artists and self defence practitioners, this should be worrying, as his view of martial arts and self defence clearly differ from ours.

One to watch out for - if this happens to get through, then parents should ensure that the teachers coming in to schools are not there just to advertise for new students and are well qualified at genuine self defence methods - John Titchen's approach to this is far better than the majority, for example, and could form a good basis for self-defence classes in schools.

The biggest issue here is the false assumption that martial artists should teach children's self defence. For young kids, martial arts should be seen as a fun activity that will teach a variety of skills and hopefully keep them fit. It's likely to only become useful as they get bigger and stronger and with a lot of repetition and pressure testing to hone the skills. The de-escalation skills are likely to be more useful than that, but these skills take some time to learn too, and should only be taught by those who have made it their goal to study such methods in depth.

Link here:

This should be viewed alongside such gems as this (which includes turning your back on a knife-wielding assailant to do a back kick, then kicking said knife out of the attacker's hand, a "great" technique for self defence, as I'm sure we'd all agree):

And this article (apologies for linking to the Daily Fail...):

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