mercredi 5 octobre 2016

so they can use a payphone when they get lost.

锘? Seven. It s just a number like any other nike air max 2016 womens sale , but it does seem to come up on a fairly regular basis. There s the Seven Wonders of the World, The Seven Deadly Sins, and the Seven Dwarfs: Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Doc, Dopey, and my personal favorite, Grumpy. Phone numbers are seven digits, and they say the optimum brand name should be no more than seven letters long. Seven it seems is a magical number, as the average human brain can only grasp seven things at a time. Interesting, my wife says I ve got trouble with two, never mind seven, but that s another story. So I ve been thinking, what are the seven most important words associated with Web marketing. I ll give you a hint: Search, Engine, and Optimization don t make the cut. So what words do make the list? What are the seven words that will make your website worth viewing? Words Can Move You By someone s count there are 171,476 entries in the Oxford English Dictionary, plus another 47,156 words that have fallen out of favor. This of course doesn t count the 9 nike air max 2016 mens sale ,500 additional permutations, that don t deserve their own special attention. Fifty percent of these words are nouns, twenty five percent are adjectives, and 14.285 are verbs, with the rest made up of all those other things, the purpose of which most of us have long since forgotten. Others may find fault with these numbers, but no matter what the total, it s a lot of words. Of the several hundred thousand words to choose from, the average person recognizes less than ten percent, while the average teenager seems to only be able to handle about half that amount; of course that doesn t count slang, instant messaging jargon, or the ever popular four letter variety. Why the heck are there so many words if we all refuse to use them. I mean why waste all those perfectly good words on English teachers and college professors. By the way, they say swearing is the refuge of the feeble minded, people who can t express themselves in a more articulate manner, but to be honest, I really don t give a damn. Here s the thing, words have meaning and impact, and they provide the emotional context of our communications, to which we can add subtlety and nuance through their delivery by means of tone, cadence, and gesture. So as important as words are nike air max 2016 mens black , the way they are delivered is even more important. What Website Design Is Really About The other day I was listening to a local all news radio station. It is mostly rip and read wire service stuff that they repeat over and over like some kind of psychological torture, but they do provide traffic reports on a nauseatingly regular basis. You only have to wait ten minutes until they repeat everything, so if you want to hear what traffic snafus to avoid just wait a few minutes; but here s the problem: the announcers talk so fast that no matter how hard you concentrate, you can never quite get the particular information you need; and if you re driving you have other things to consider, like the idiot in the Hummer who just cut you off. None of these guys ever uses a period, let alone a semicolon or comma. Either they have very small bladders and are under pressure to finish quickly, or they re late for their afternoon pilates class. They seem so intent on rushing to the commercials that they never deliver the content in an appropriate manner. And your website just might have the same problem. Too much information is as bad as not enough. Information overkill leads to information anxiety, buyer s remorse, reduced satisfaction, unattainable expectations, and purchase decision paralysis. Website owners have been told that visitors won t wait for anything, that they are impatient, and you ve got to get to the point fast, make the pitch and close the deal; well that just isn t going to work with any sophisticated product or service. Your website presentation needs to slow people down so they hear what you have to say, and you have to say something worth hearing. Website design is about more than layout, markup language, and technical wizardry. Website design is about communication, it s about turning advertising into content, and content into an experience that viewers will remember. Seven Words To Remember 1. Communication People are always asking us what s wrong with their websites, and the answer in the vast majority of cases can be summed up in a quote from the movie, Cool Hand Luke (1967): what we have here is a failure to communicate. Communication is the key to success nike air max 2016 sale , and that doesn t just apply to your website, it applies to almost everything you do both inside and outside your business life. If your website isn t communicating on both a rational and emotional level, if it doesn t provide the psychological and emotional context of your marketing message, then exactly what is it doing? 2. Audience I can t think of too many people who actually like being sold. In fact, sometimes customers get so irritated by sales tactics that they end up not buying the thing they came specifically to your website to purchase. Solving the problem is merely a question of altering your perspective; the average buyer is predisposed to dismiss and ignore high pressure tactics, and meaningless sales pitches. So instead of treating customers like customers, try treating them like an audience. Audiences want to be engaged, enlightened, and entertained. And that is the most effective way to make a sales impact. 3. Focus All too often websites inundate their Web audiences with facts, figures, statistics, and an endless list of features, benefits, options, and whatever else the sales department can think of throwing in. All that stuff just confuses people. Focus your message on the most important elements of what you have to say. If your website can embed that singular idea in an audience s mind, then it has done its job. 4. Language The words used, and how they are put together provides m.

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