mardi 1 novembre 2016

Belt vs knife--just in movies?

So I watched some movie the other day (I saw several similar ones recently, forget which one this was in).
There is one scene where someone pulled a knife from about 8 feet away and started moving towards the protagonist.
The protagonist undid his leather belt and used it in a few ways:
- As a short whip for ranging/keeping distance. (Guy would start to move in towards him, he would whip-crack the guy in the face with the belt as he came in.)
- As a strap for trapping an arm: he trapped the attacker's knife arm in a loop (used both hands on the belt to wrap the attacker's arm). He then executed a throw/takedown that looked to me like a Judo throw I don't know the name of (forward throw from an arm trap).

Are belts a good option for dealing with a knife attack that you cannot retreat from or comply with? I.e., would it be beneficial to train controlling the weapon arm with a belt? Is it effective at all?

I know controlling/disarming a weapon is very low percentage anyway. If someone was well trained in both unarmed & with-belt disarms/control, would the belt ones have a higher likely-hood of success?

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