mardi 1 novembre 2016

First time in the Adirondacks, looking for some advice

Hey all, I'm thinking about doing an overnight solo trip up Mount Marcy this weekend. I'm still doing my research but I figured I should ask for some advice or thoughts.

I have not hiked in the adirondacks before, but I hiked in the Hudson Valley, Catskills and Maine. And I have backpacked for up to a week at a time. However I have no experience hiking in icy or snowy conditions. I have not used microspikes or crampons before and I would still need to buy some and a bear canister

Should I avoid doing this trip until I have more experience in these conditions? Or do you think it's still too early for the weather to have any significant impact? I have been seeing a bunch of pictures with snow on the mountains

Thanks in advance!

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