mardi 30 septembre 2014

[News] Microsoft Windows 10 announced, preview coming on October 1

[IMGALIGN=right]]Details about Microsoft's next version of Windows, which will be called Windows 10, have been revealed. Here's what you need to know about this 'most comprehensive operating system' Microsoft has ever built. (Yes, the Start menu is back.)

View full story here...

North Bend from Baldwin Springs, WLWF, 30 Sep 2014

Today's reasonably low-key hike was back to one of out favorite spots in the Wilcox Lake Wild Forest; Baldwin Springs. The cloudy/misty weather today precluded a mountain climbing adventure; mother nature always gets a vote. However, since last September, Tredhed and I wanted to explore the North bend area after our not-so-flawless trip down the Bartman Trail ( Today was a perfect day to check out the area some more, visit North Bend and see where the mysterious hunter's trail on Harrington Mt. led.

The eight mile trek down West Stony Creek Rd. took us a little under thirty minutes. There were plenty of rocks, ruts and one flooded area near Madison Cr. that kept us honest. Definitely a high clearance vehicle type of road. Arriving at the snowmobile bridge over the East Stony Creek, we quickly set out on the short walk to the trail hub at Baldwin Springs (photo 1).

We tried to sign in at the trail register, as all good hikers should, but the log book was torn in half and all the pages, save one, were missing. Slightly confused as to who would do that, we headed North on the old Oregon Trail. The first thing we noticed, besides the fresh truck tire ruts in the mud, were an even fresher set of moose tracks walking right down the middle of the trail. We never saw the majestic moose, but it was nice to know they're around.

While the moose tracks continued on the old road, there was evidence that the truck turned around after the first half-mile. The wet and rocky trail soon came a neat old beaver swamp and the road climbed away, well graded, through some beautiful big pines which provided a cushion of soft needles underfoot. (photo 2). While the trail wasn't marked very well, but it was easy to follow. In less than an hour, we came to the clearing and trail junction just south of Stewart Creek. One hundred yards more brought us to the large bridge at North Bend (photo 3).

Now it was time to get creative. As we discovered last year, a red disked hunter's trail headed from the Bartman Trail connector up the slopes of Harrington Mt. At the time, we weren't ready to explore this area and pressed on along Stewart Creek. As we approached the Oregon Trail, we cut the red disked hunter's trail again, Today was the day to close the loop on the Harrington Mt. trail.

We quickly found the red disked trail just a little north of the bridge over Stewart Creek. We followed the light foot tread up the slopes of Harrington Mt. pasty some huge erratics and were surprised to find several trail junctions on the hill. Whoever laid out and maintained these trails was very serious about their business. Soon enough, we headed down the main trail to Stewart Creek (photo 4). A short up hill brought us to the Bartman Trail connector and closure on the mystery from last year.

The mile back to North Bend went by quickly as the connector trail was very obvious, although sparsely marked. Taking a lunch break at the Stewart Creek bridge, Tredhed and I congratulated ourselves for closing the book on the Mystery of the Harrington Mt. Hunter's Path. The misty/humid air did little to dampen our spirits or the beauty of the area (photo 5). Some may not think this is the most glamorous part of the Adirondacks; maybe even a little boring. However, that was not the case today as both of us thanked out lucky stars to be out in the woods and enjoying the sights and smells of our hapy place.

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Looking for Mossberg 500 slug barrel

Anyone know where I can get one used. Nothing like spending 240 on a new gun and then having to buy JUST THE BARREL for another 239.99.........Stupid me went out an got a ton of slugs before realizing they were sabots and I need a rifled barrel.

Hong Kong Democracy

Here's a copy of a post I made on facebook about the HK situation.

Pitch if I'm missing anything out or anything needs changing.

Brief Hong Kong History

Hong Kong is a “special administrative region” of the PRC (People’s Republic of China), handed over from the UK, of which Hong Kong was a former colony.

An agreement that guaranteed Hong Kong a period of autonomy was struck.

Part of this agreement struck with the Beijing government of the PRC gave Hong Kong the opportunity of universal suffrage (the right to elect their own leader) by 2017.

Under the autonomous rule of the past and present, Hong Kong does not have democracy and has instead committee that selects a leader within that committee.

During British colonial rule and under it’s own autonomy, Hong Kong flourished with people afforded the rights that those of the PRC did not possess.

Low tax rates, free public health care, incredibly efficient public transport, some of the world’s top educational institutions’, access to the Internet completely uncensored, the freedom to travel and the freedom to protest.

In fact, while the world economy was recently floundering, the HK government found it had enough extra money to distribute 6000 HKD to all of it’s permanent residents.

So why does Hong Kong want democracy?

Because the PRC has effectively rescinded its promise of democracy by only allowing candidates that the Beijing government has screened and selected. At first glance this does not seem problematic until you examine the influx of Mainland Chinese (those from the PRC) businessmen and the like into Hong Kong in recent years.

A Beijing chosen leader will not represent the interest of the people of Hong Kong but will instead represent the interests of mainland china and the Beijing government.

But Hong Kong hasn’t had democracy so why would they miss it?

Again it’s because they would not receive representation.

Under a Beijing leader they may eventually lose many of the freedoms they have today.

Evidence for the oppression of autonomous rule by Beijing is evidenced by the autonomy that Tibet and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region have – close to zero freedom.

Why the heck did Beijing even tell anyone about the false Democracy plans? They could have done it silently…

According to this article:

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which is split into a number of factions, rules the Beijing government.

These factions are trying to push each other constantly.

By announcing the false democracy plan, when they could have done it secretly, they’ve created the civil disobedience movements we’ve seen.

This was the move of one faction to pressure another faction.

If Beijing gives democracy, the factions in power will lose support from key players in the PRC and lose power and may have to step down.

If they try to suppress Hong Kong through a massacre like Tiananmen then the current ruling faction of the CCP will have to step down from international condemnation.

So they’ve decided to stand around in the city?

Yes - and it’s working, close to 80,000 protesters constantly on shift have shut down the main business areas of Hong Kong causing a halt in the economy.

Not a single act of violence or property damage done.

Everyone in Hong Kong is highly educated and this isn’t a peasant’s revolt.

This is about keeping hold of the rights people of Hong Kong have in the face of the suppressive Beijing government.

The lack of violence is important in preventing things escalating.

So why are the police being aggressive?!?! DAMN PIGS!

The police are stuck too. As are the government.

If they do not show that they are able to exert some control then the PRC’s People’s Liberation Army may be deployed which would be drastically worse for everyone.

So don’t hate the police, everyone in Hong kong wants’ democracy but its about maintaining the illusion of control.

They’re keeping everyone safe even when they don’t seem like they are.

Will there be a massacre like Tiananmen?

Uh. Well.

I can only speculate.

But I doubt it. Why would China crash the insanely profitable, and efficient Hong Kong system with a massacre?

The reason they want Hong Kong is because of how awesome it is – they just want to transition it into PRC pockets.

What will the authorities do?

Deploy harsher tactics with the police.

Or if violence picks up then maybe the PLA will move.

Or wait for the protests to die down – people will have to return to work eventually.

What should Beijing do?

Give democracy, oppress their own country with media blackouts like they still do.

By giving Hong Kong democracy they can push the blame that people in Hong Kong have toward Beijing has away from Beijing and onto the failings of democracy (because they will undoubtedly block the policies of any democratic leader in HK).

Double Stick

So most systems do double stick in some shape or form but here's a pub quiz question: Are there any systems that primarily specialize in double stick, for example systems that teach double stick from day one as the primary weapon(s)

I found it odd that I can't think of any :confused:

Most Successful MMA fighters from 1990 to 2000

Most successful MMA fighters from 1990 to 2000

1. Frank Shamrock

2. Pat Miletech

3. Jeremy Horn

4. Mark Coleman

5. Royce Gracie

6. Randy Couture

7. Kazushi Sakuraba

8. Guy Mezger

9. Bas Rutten

10. Mark Kerr

this is what i believe based on some research i have done as to who were the most successful MMA fighters from 1990 to 2000 (not strongest but most successful).

1-3 Deg General's

If anyone is looking to unload a size 6 (I'm 6'4", 230) silver striped general's top please let me know.


Anyone noticing many Beechnuts in the woods this fall? No oaks in the area where I hunt, but plenty of Beech. Its hard to see the nuts when the leaves are still on the trees unless you use binoculars. Just wondering if others are seeing any.

Richard Dawkins' cognitive tookit item.

I stumbled upon this and it made me think of some of the threads I've read over the years. Feel free to comment on Mr. Dawkins, who was responding to the 2011 question of the year:


Why do half of all Americans believe in ghosts, three quarters believe in angels, a third believe in astrology, three quarters believe in Hell? Why do a quarter of all Americans believe that the President of the United States was born outside the country and is therefore ineligible to be President? Why do more than 40 percent of Americans think the universe began after the domestication of the dog?

Let's not give the defeatist answer and blame it all on stupidity. That's probably part of the story, but let's be optimistic and concentrate on something remediable: lack of training in how to think critically, and how to discount personal opinion, prejudice and anecdote, in favour of evidence. I believe that the double-blind control experiment does double duty. It is more than just an excellent research tool. It also has educational, didactic value in teaching people how to think critically. My thesis is that you needn't actually do double-blind control experiments in order to experience an improvement in your cognitive toolkit. You only need to understand the principle, grasp why it is necessary, and revel in its elegance.

If all schools taught their pupils how to do a double-blind control experiment, our cognitive toolkits would be improved in the following ways:

1. We would learn not to generalize from anecdotes.

2. We would learn how to assess the likelihood that an apparently important effect might have happened by chance alone.

3. We would learn how extremely difficult it is to eliminate subjective bias, and that subjective bias does not imply dishonesty or venality of any kind. This lesson goes deeper. It has the salutary effect of undermining respect for authority, and respect for personal opinion.

4. We would learn not to be seduced by homeopaths and other quacks and charlatans, who would consequently be put out of business.

5. We would learn critical and skeptical habits of thought more generally, which not only would improve our cognitive toolkit but might save the world.

Les manifestations à Hong Kong focalisent l'attention des marchés

Les marchés asiatiques se sont montrés hésitants, les investisseurs s'inquiétant de la réaction de la Chine face aux manifestations qui agitent Hong Kong. Sur les marchés des changes, le dollar est en voie d'enregistrer son plus gros gain mensuel en plus d'un an. Après le revers brutal subi la semaine dernière et lundi matin, les devises à haut rendement ont repris quelques couleurs. L'AUDUSD a...










En savoir plus sur le broker forex ACM (Advanced Currency Markets)

New Chapter in Adirondack History Blog: Thacher Island Revisited

Please enjoy my latest chapter on visiting the ghosts of my family's past on Blue Mountain Lake's Thacher Island.

lundi 29 septembre 2014

Wing chun for self defense?

All is said in the title, so not much words needed in the body. What are your thoughts, and perhaps more effectively reliable, your experiences?

(being told 'its not the art, its the practitioner' is already taken into account, so no need to go down that road if that is/was what you were thinking)

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Wing Chun punches VS Boxing jab and cross?

What are their relative strengths and weaknesses?

I, in truth, have not yet understood any sort of codified way WCers punch except that they do so vertically, and oftentimes one after the next (chain punch). That's pretty much where I am at with understanding how they punch, but I want to know the FULL how, as well as the WHY (why do they determine this is the best way to go?)

So if you could explain what differentiates the punch as well as the relative strengths and weaknesses of them, that would be helpful (and the proper execution and idea behind wing chun punches). Thanks.

Olympus TG-810 tough camera

Probably a lost cause to post at this point, been deployed, but a few months back while kayaking on moose river from tickners in Old Forge I flipped the kayak and lost my camera in all the mud that kicked up. Silver/black olympus tg-810. Lost between may/april, but I don't remember the exact time I was up there.

brown plaid wallet

I lost a brown plaid wallet at the pillsbury trailhead in piseco hiking west canada lakes on the way to cedar lakes damn. Most likely in the back of the lot near the impromptu fire pit .

Lake Lila and Mount Frederica - 9/28/14

I've always heard great things about Lake Lila so my wife and I went to check it out Sunday, even though we had our dog with us and no boats. We took the Lake Lila access road to the designated parking lot at the end of the road, then checked out the .3 mile canoe carry to the lake before taking the 4.5 mile hike along the north shore of the lake to Mount Frederica.

We were wishing the whole time that we could have used our boats, but with the outstanding fall colors it wasn't bad to be land-locked either.

The route to Mount Frederica is mostly a gravel jeep road until the last .3 miles or so and therefore is a quick 2 hour hike to the summit. The lake is visible for the first 1.5 miles, then is close by until the trail splits at the 3 mile mark to climb the 500 feet to Mount Frederica.

What a great reward in terms of views for such an easy hike effort, and with the leaves in full color, it was doubly nice.

We also hiked into Round Lake which lies just north of Lake Lila. We parked on the shoulder of Sabattis Road and had camped on Saturday night at campsite # 9 on the SW shore of the lake. Another nice spot.

What a great weekend to be out.

Lots of great fall pics from the trip here.

VIDEO: 5 Ponds Wilderness Area 3 Days / 2 Nights

Last weekend was perfect. Join me on the trail. Thanks

First adk trout

Just got back from the adk this weekend. An awesome trip! My 3 year old caught his 1st brookie and I got my first brookie and brown! Also, got an unknown pan fish and fallfish (?). I don't have the brookie pics yet, but here are the others.

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Mark Kerr instructional videos

MMA legend Mark Kerr made some instructional videos in the late 90s when MMA was gaining momentum, here is one I found on youtube.

Newcomb Lake Overnight 9.27-28.2014

In short, the leaves are falling, if you want color now's the time!

Packed in to Newcomb Lake for one night. The road to Great Camp Santanoni is a relatively easy 4 miles. Had one of the weekend's many pleasant interactions, with a gentleman heading out who said a group who did not sign in was occupying the Fish Rock leanto. Had a tent, no problem.

There are eight campsites on the east short of Newcomb Lake, five before the great camp and three after. Maybe seven, since I never found site #2. Otherwise, nos. 1-5 have numbered signs at the path to the site, but I didn't see any "camp here" discs at any of them. The trail passes the great camp and becomes rooty and uneven but easy to follow. Sites 6 & 7 are... undesirable. They're barely big enough for one tent and directly on the trail. Site 8, a bit past the bath house, is absolutely gorgeous. Plenty of room, directly on the Sucker Brook, and good views over the water. Also, a bit of walking and you'll find all of the firewood you'll ever want (though the fire ring could use some cleaning). All of the sites have privies, and the last three sites do have "camp here" discs. Hard to overstate how great this place is for a quick pack in.

Saturday night the weather could hardly be more perfect. Visiting the great camp near sundown, when most of the day visitors are gone, is a great experience. Another camper who set up at site #5 said he was going to do some stargazing at the great camp, and I'm sure he had a great view. The sky was absolutely clear Saturday night, and the lake was calm enough to see the stars' reflections.

Sunday was supposed to be a leisurely hike to Moose Pond, then back to camp to pack out. The north shore trail is beautiful, it climbs steeply at first but levels out and passes some enormous birches. Eventually it passes the Ward Pond Brook leanto which is beautiful and probably underused. The adopter has cleverly put the register in a sealed PVC pipe and has taken very good care of the place (if you're reading this, thanks for the hard work Eric!). If you feel like bringing a boat into the camp and canoe/kayak camping, this is a great spot to shoot for.

Once past the junction for the south shore trail and on to the Shaw Pond trail, things change quickly. This trail is extremely well parked, but it's a tossup between being a herd path or a bushwhack. You'll have to walk across a beaver dam at one point and the blowdown is so heavy that your best way to find the trail is look for the next obstacle. The mud is sort of an afterthought. We did see moose and bear sign, heightening the true wilderness feeling of this trail. If you want to be off the beaten path, this is it. Unfortunately, the 2 miles to the junction with the horse path took much longer than expected, so if you take this trail give yourself plenty of time.

Moose pond is lovely, with a great view of the southern Santanoni range. DEC's GIS data says there are two campsites here, but a quick search was disappointing. The first "site" is just off the left of the trail, past a privy. There is no "camp here" disc and it's been heavily impacted, enlarged and with a second fire ring added, and heavy erosion down to the water. The trail peters out near the second site, which also has a privy and no disc, but looks like it hasn't been used in years. You could easy miss the fire ring, it's so overgrown. However, with enough poking around a suitable camping spot 150 feet from the pond should likely present itself.

Running late, we decided to head back to camp the long way around, down the horse trail and then back up the bike trail to the great camp. The horse trail is a very scenic and easy walk in the woods, alternating between forest on both sides and views of the smaller peaks to the west. We were surprised to make it to the bike path in just over an hour and back to camp with enough daylight for a quick meal and then the hike out. With packs, we practically sprinted back to the parking lot in an hour and a half, giving us just enough time to stop at Adirondack Brewery in Lake George for dinner -- so glad they're open until 9 on Sunday!

I would have liked to spend more time, but I'll definitely be back. This is a top-notch place if you're just looking for a nice waterside site/leanto to pack into and slow down for a while. The Greta Camp is nice to wander around for a bit and with enough time the local trails make a nice relaxing day hike. I didn't get the water -- rumor is there are leeches -- but in the hotter months it would be irresistible.


I'm aware of differing lineages of southern shaolin hung gar kuen, but I've been reading up on the hung kuen lineage I'm part of, and it mentions Lam Sai Wing, Wong Fei Hung etc, how this school's Hung Kuen was developed in Malaysian, but then it mentions the system comes from a Northern Temple, even though it includes the Taming the Tiger, Iron Wire and Five Animals, which to my knowledge is a Southern thing. Have I gotten confused or does a Northern HK exist outside of the Southern branches?

Training Dvd's

Newbie here! I'm looking for recommendations for Taekwondo training DVD's for myself and daughter. We're looking for footwork and sparring technique (attack set-ups and counter attacks). I've looked at Ebay and most martial arts supply stores and would like some info before spending money on countless videos or re we better off combing through Youtube videos.

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Newb question Re: Seward Mountains

So I have a few years of experience trompin' around the Eastern High Peaks with 15-20 summits, but have never made a summit attempt on the Western side. I have a couple questions about Seward, Emmons, Donalson, and Seymour, that I've been having a tough time researching...

1.) How far can you drive on Corey's Road (non-winter/snow season)? Are public vehicles allowed on the road running through the private lands which encompass Ampersand lake?

2.) Does anyone have any good maps showing the main herd trails for these mountains?

3.) I see some people come in from the West along Calkins Brook to up between Seward and Donaldson. Is that walking in the brook the whole time or is there an actual trail / path that has evolved?

4.) Some might find this question silly, but are the prominent trees in the area conifers or deciduous? I've found leaf bearing trees dropping their leaves in the fall on unmarked trail are tough to follow at times.


Trees.....not the only thing changing colors


Hi folks,

I'm Void. As the name might suggest I'm a karateka of about 13 years, currently ranked at 3rd dan.

I tend to lurk a lot so apologies if I don't dive into every thread going but I do look forward to chatting with you all.

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Le NZD s'affaisse, L'USD se renforce

De nouveau au centre de l'attention en ce début de semaine, le kiwi a dévissé de-1.5% face au dollar ce jour pour s'approcher des $0.7752, à son plus bas de l'année. L'intervention de la banque centrale néo-zélandaise et les propos du Premier ministre l'ont clairement fortement impacté. La RBNZ a vendu 521 millions NZD en août 2014, le montant le plus élevé depuis 2007. Dans le même temps, le...










En savoir plus sur le broker forex ACM (Advanced Currency Markets)

Gucci Leather Shoes

The Hottest Female in Martial Arts (Very Nice)

UGG Sheepskin Cuff 1875 Boots

With the rapid development in fashion,UGG Factory Store were made to come out in various style and color giving sophistication and elegance to the person wearing them but also provide them comfort and protection for their feet So find and finalize upon a website selling a pair of UGG boots, which perfectly match your taste, and start bidding Global demand for Australian ugg boots and ugg-style sheepskin shoes began as a celebrity-driven fashion statement in the UGG Adirondack II 5469 Boots late nineties, causing people around the world to follow suit Thus use the internet as well as find the perfect couple of Australian ugg boot and you may undoubtedly end up being returning for far more It uses pure leather and artificial wool and wool blend technology sewn The lavish made of roll designs enable due to the fact to match snugly This suggests which they are reselling like crazy

The degree helps as well to keep the feet dried out constantly and also diploma offers natural qualities to maintain the actual dampness from the skin There is a chance that they are not seeling the authentic stuff Apart from this, UGG Sheepskin Cuff 1875 Boots manufactures and sells a line of footwear for men and women If you're an Ugg fan then you should know when you see them if there fake or not This might be an imitation pair and not the genuine one, which costs much moreUGG made its debut on the beaches of California when a man named Brian Smith arrived in the United States with a few pair of sheepskin boots in towMillions of people enjoy the benefits of Ugg slippers on cold winter days a similar shades that is why cold weather with UGG Adirondack II 5469 Boots

dimanche 28 septembre 2014

senran kagura Shinovi Versus 5 Figure Set

Hi, I looking for senran kagura shinovi versus 5 Figure Set.

PM me if u have it for sale.


Schools in the New York City area

Dear all,

Any martial artists in the New York City area out there?

I am attempting to put together a comprehensive listing of all martial arts schools in the New York City area, including the five outer boroughs. Literally anything, including Aikido, Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Karate, Kenpo, Tai Chi, Jiu Jitsu, BJJ, MMA, Kendo, Kenjitsu, Muay Thai, Kali/Arnis, Krav Maga, Hapkido, Jeet Kun Do, Silat, as well as European styles such as Historical Fencing, Savate, Systema, Sambo, etc., and lesser-known styles such as Kuk Sool Won, Taijitsu, etc.. Internal styles are also welcome!

I am finding it a big challenge to locate many of these schools. Some no longer have a website (or never had one to begin with), and may be falling through the cracks. Many, especially those in Chinatown, just have a phone number and that's it. Also, if there are any rare, regional styles (that I may not be aware of), I would love to help bring them out of obscurity by listing them (and possibly featuring them) on the site. The listings can be accessed via the "By Origin" section in the menu on the site's main page:

If any of you belong to (or know of) any schools not listed, I would be grateful if you could let me know. Any additional or pertinent information is appreciated. With your help I really hope to make this a useful free resource to all martial artists.

Many thanks in advance to all!

Colors popping

1st post on what appears to be a great forum. Found the forum "searching".

Colors popping on North Lake. Ohio,NY

[IMG] [/IMG]

how much is too much?

Ok so I'm finding out more and more about the sheer amount of training I could do. Worked out in theory I could pay £30 and train 5 days a week in 4 styles (ie: Hung Ga, Capoiera, Bagua and Wing Chun/Shuai Jiao) and that's excluding other things like kickboxing and judo I found out about lately. Since Im in a new city I want to make the most of my training, since weight lifting honestly is actually prooving a bit problematic for me (I'm not recovering very well right now, and it's hampering my form in the dojo)

I'm more interested now in developing my martial skills in broad areas and seeing what I can make the most of. I'm not saying I'd take all those styles but lets be honest, in theory, could I basically get some solid training throughout my week if Im doing JUST martial arts and the other activities instead of lifting?

Also on a related note: There's two hung gar schools I know of, one I went to trains hard, focuses on forms and really drilling body conditioning and tells me they are a traditional school, the other is from the Ang Kee Kong style of it, but as part of my post grad uni status for the gym I'm at, I can train there and only pay £20 for a year. Thing is both train with very different focus, and really Hung Ga is one thing I really want to build as a secondary art on top of my previous bujikan training). If I wanted to take this art strongly, could training in both of them be a good way to get used to the art quickly?

If anyone's curious, the capoiera I more do as a leisure activity, the Hung Gar is something I consider doing as traditional training, and the Bagua is something I'm considering as an internal training (something i haven't done, and may compliment the Hung's external qualities)

Would three arts be pushing it? (Bagua, Hung Ga twice a week and capoiera?)

An old question, Steven Segul and Machida/Anderson.

So I am sure you guys have talked about this topic, I have just never seen this video before. What exactly is the question about whether or not Segul contributed this to Machida's win?

Bagua in Manchester UK?

Ok, so I've moved to a new area, and I'm looking to learn something new with that. Im near the preston train station, and manchester isnt far. I found out there's a bagua place there, and it looks tempting to try out:

has anyone here trained with this guy, or have experience with this style?

OMG so funny!

The 80's Karate Song. Karate train your body. I wish I was making this up.

Rubber sole wading boots

I have always worn felt soled boots. I have had about a dozen pair over the years. Currently I have a pair of Orvis Battenkill brogues. Which I hate because they are not very comfortable.

Last week I saw some rubber sole wading boots on sale real cheap so I bought a pair. If they didn't work out wading they be great to wear with fins or korkers in winter. There was a choice between a harder Vibram sole with many tiny grips and another very soft sole with what looked almost like suction cups on them. I chose the suction cups....they were really comfortable.

I tried them on the Black River yesterday which is very slippery because it has a lot of flat rock, the rocks you skate on even with felts. On smaller rounded rocks they were slippery but holy cow on flat rock where you could get the whole sole down they literally stuck like glue. Not sure if I completely trust them, at least with felt you develop this long term familiarity with what will be slippery and what won't.

Anybody else out there have rubber sole boots? What is your experience?

Are people INSANE to hike / backpack / camp in grizzly bear habitat?

Are people INSANE to hike / backpack / camp in grizzly bear habitat?

As many of you know, I love wilderness and nature, the bigger and wilder the better...

But if you come around a corner and have the misfortune of coming between a grizzly and cubs chances are you will get scratched and bitten ferociously by a 750 pound monster - that is terrifying.

And then there are other scenarios - you could be viewed as dinner. You could be dragged out of your tent.

They say it's rare, but that is CRAZY.

Sure, there are precautions you can take, but sometimes it just doesn't matter.

I don't know how rare it is, and I hope to do more in the northwest and some day even Alaska, but that is NOT the way I want to go out.

recent concerts

For the first time ever I attended concerts on 2 Saturdays in a row. The first one I had planned on for a while, the second one was a last minute invite.

Last Saturday I saw Natalie Cole. I wanted to see her because I know that she is starting to get a little bit older, and I consider her to be one of the great singers of her era. She looked and sounded fantastic, really glad I went. I was a little disappointed that she didn't do more of her hits, but still a great show.

Last night I saw Gregg Rolie. If that name is not familiar let me clue you in to who he is. Gregg was a member of the original Santana line-up, playing keyboards and doing the lead vocals on all the classic songs(Evil ways, Oye Como Va). He then formed a band called Journey, playing keys and singing on 7 Albums before leaving. He is in the R&R Hall of fame as a member of Santana. Great show, he had excellent musicians playing in his band as well. During "Soul Sacrifice" it began to rain. After the song Gregg commented on the fact that playing that song has caused a lot of rain thru the years, a reference to Woodstock. While he may not be considered a legend himself, he sure was a part of many legendary albums and songs.

Definitely a good music week for me.

Using a knife to grapple/hook

While enjoying this fellow's videos and generally having my views of historical combat challenged, he mentions the use of an ice pick grip to facilitate grappling with and controlling opponents.

Around 3:30

I've had a search on youtube for some examples but it only brings up clips of people teaching how to grapple with knife wielders in a self defence scenario. So I was wondering if anyone here has any sources they could share with examples of this sort of thing?

Hello fellow budo buffs!

Hi there.

The name's Cutter.

E. Cutter.

Wayne E. Cutter.

I like my Martinis cut (with water), not shaken or stirred.

I'm a big fan of everything Takamatsuish, so hoping there's still some passion out there amongst the old hands and the new tes!

Looking forward to meeting you all, and having a good time on Martial Arts Planet!

Arigato and cheers!


samedi 27 septembre 2014

UFC 178


good card! I've been following Conor Mcgregor for quite a while- such an exciting fighter and talker, I'm glad about this result, now hopfully everyone will shut up and recognise this guy is legit! Can't wait for his next fight. Who do you think he should fight next?

Also, welcome to the ufc alverez and welcome back Cat and what's his name bantomweight mind blank

Orienteering Instruction

Anyone know where one could be taught orienteering?

Dana White cries about Carano not making fight

Language warning!

Trying to find a martial art, suggestions?

Hi, I apologize if this question seems disrespectful or silly, but I'd be really appreciative of any replies that might help.

So, I want to start training in a Japanese martial art; I've recently graduated and have both the time and money to commit to it for the forseeable future.

My issue is (I don't know if this is a local thing) but EVERY search I've done online for my city, or in the yellow pages, gives me a ton of MMA and UFC type links. With no disrespect to any practitioners of those, I'm really not looking to join any professional or amateur circuits, be the baddest guy in town, or win a bar fight against 20 other dudes. Frankly I'd be thrilled if I never used my skills outside the dojo, ever.

On the flip side, I'm also hoping to avoid some of the schools making dubious claims that the art is three thousand years old or was taught by some sky dragon or whatever. Maybe I'm being too picky, but I intend to put serious effort into it so I'd prefer to pick well.

I know this is kind of the opposite of what most people are looking for, but are there any really traditional styles or schools out there, that aren't into that stuff? Also, I'm moving to Japan in 2-4 years and would love to be able to continue there.

If it helps, I'm in Toronto Canada. Apologies if I sound like a nutcase.

Yokkao gloves, any good for competitive use?

Been shopping around for some good 10oz gloves for use in competition. Come across the Yokkao range, and found a nice pair that is pleasing to my eye, and I am wondering if anyone has had any experience with this brand and knows what their quality is like?

Obviously I know all about Yokkao itself, and they are supposed to do good gear, but I have never used their equipment personally and at £75 a pair I'd rather have insight from people who have used some products from their range before committing to a purchase.


Adductor injuries

Hopefully others have not had the same experiences as me but thought is throw it out there and see what advice/strategies people might have.

I have recently torn my hip adductor tendon (now for the 5th time), I have seen a GP and I'm waiting for a physio appointment next week. I have been given exercises from physios before that I have since adopted into my regular training in the hope that they help prevent injuries, that plan doesn't seem to have worked well however.

I can usually perform most exercise without any issues but I am aware that through the past injuries I may always have a damaged/weakened tendon and may just have to deal with that.

The injuries usually occur when doing explosive movements (most recently plyometric jumps) and so I avoid that kind of exercise usually. In a class environment though I attend to learn from my instructors and want to take their advice trusting in their knowledge and experience and my instructors often incorporate explosive training. It's not one of those classes where exceptions are made, it's an official military club on base run by NCOs and officers (I am an SAC = private) and there is a definate man up attitude to all injuries.

The coaches are not great listeners (putting that nicely) so when I said I can train but not do certain things that did not go down well. I don't know how to balance the risks between;

1, waiting for it to heal up completely (3-6 months) then training as usual but risking future injuries.

2, waiting for it to heal enough then doing what i can but annoying the instructors

3, not training but missing out on free, good quality boxing training that I can get time out of work to do

I'm not expecting any magical solutions (though that would be nice :) ) and I will wait until I have seen a physio before I do anything but if any one has any experience of a similar issue I'd love to hear from you.

Apologies for wall of text lol

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vendredi 26 septembre 2014

Chi - during forms

in Kuk Sool, we are told that our forms are designed to align the body to enable proper flow of internal energy... My question is, do styles like Chun Kuk Do in the video below do the "ch" sound for each punch and kick to somehow augment their Chi flow ? Honestly, I think it's done for effect, like starching your Gi..either way, it seems silly and unnecessary to me. Am I wrong, what evidence is there to the contrary?



There is a chill in the air and the temperature is getting crisp. Perfect time for some comfort food.

I've been using this chili recipe for a couple of years and have tweaked it just a bit. I actually won a chili contest with it last year at a firehouse. (no money or prizes, just a ribbon)

I use ground pork and ground venison in place of ground beef. 1 pound of andoullie sausage. Increase the stew beef to 1 and 1/2 pounds. No beans. Eliminate the water, halve the tomato sauce and use mild chili powder....not hot. Toast the cumin seed and grind with mortar and pestle. (it matters)

What is your favorite chili or stew recipe for the cold weather?

Relax With Martial Arts Fail (Carefully)

3 days/2 nights camping from Heart Lake/Loj...suggestions please!!

Hello I am planning a camping trip with an old friend for mid-october. We will be heading out from the Loj and hiking for 3 days withtent or lean-to camping two nights. Essentially our itinerary will be this...

Thurs - arrive at Loj, spend the night there

Fri - begin hiking from Loj. Tent or lean-to that night

Sat - continue hiking. Tent or lean-to that night

Sunday - continue hiking returning to the Loj that evening

Monday - return home :(

We are fit and experienced hikers looking for a relatively challenging trip. I am a 46'r from the eighties working on my Catskill 35's currently. It's been such a long time since I've been back to the ADK's though, so I really have little knowledge of the trails and recommended hikes anymore.

I'm imagining that Friday we hike with our gear from the Loj to a good spot to setup camp and then bag a peak or two and then return to our gear for the night...or perhaps bag a peak or two with our gear and find a spot to camp afterwards. Saturday we can either pick up our gear and move on to another location for a similar excursion or leave our gear in place and climb other mountains within range. On Sunday we'd like to get plenty of hiking in as well but we will be staying at the Loj that night before our trip home the next day. We can carry our gear the whole day or again..hike some, then return to our gear before heading back to the Loj.

Would anyone like to outline an itinerary for us or make suggestions for what we can do in the time we have to do it? Thanks a bunch!

Necessary force or just male machoism?


I think that this is wrong on more than just one side, but felt some might enjoy discussing this. The kid does step forward aggressively (or I would consider it aggression) but then it seems like it turns a little to much into a macho contest I guess might be the phrase?

Rin Nakai at fight night Japan.


Contrary to Hannibal's predictions that Rin Nakai would get slapped silly in the UFC she went the distance against Miesha Tate and put Miesha in a lot of dangerous positions. I really wish she had debuted with some lower ranked fights first, but I think she has proven that she is evolving. Her striking defense problems seem to be cured with mostly head movement. Her shots were lightning fast and relentless. I think against anyone else in the division other then Sara McMann or Rousey those shots would yield results. Her wrestling and submission game really impressed me. I hope she continues to develop her skills and comes back strong. Her size seems to be giving her a lot of trouble in striking.

Edmond claims Rousey would beat Holm in Boxing...

I wish I was making this up. This is just silly.

But hey, if he really wants to test Ronda, Ann Wolfe issued a challenge on behalf of her undefeated daughter (in boxing) who fights at 135.

situational awareness story :)

Just a story about a situation I was in tonight:

I was on the high street, about half nine, I'd not had a drink, but it was a typical crowded Friday. I was with a couple of friends, and I saw another mate of mine, who I stop and say hello to. We always hug, which turns into a fake wrestling match (as you do). Anyway, he'd had a few drinks, and started throwing knees, but still jokingly, we were both laughing, all friendly. One connected and I (gently, still jokingly) tripped, caught and lowered him to the floor. We briefly carried on, and he suddenly swore, and said '£900 suit' at which point I got off and helped him up. We hugged, then he sucker punched me, not a really solid shot but I wasn't paying attention. Anyway, he took a few steps back, held out his hand and asked if we were quits. I shook it, then noticed about five more of his mates stood there, and more crossing the road, asking if we were fighting, did he want help etc. Now we managed to assure them it was all jokey, no hard feelings. But I should have been paying attention, and was lucky I didn't get swamped. The lesson I've learnt is be careful Round drunk groups :) and expensive suits!

Osprey Variant 37 Pack, "Dachstein Sweater", Fishtail Parka shell

I have an Osprey Variant 37 pack to sell. It's 4 years old and has been on a lot of hikes, but it's still in very good shape and fully functional. Very versatile pack for winter hiking, climbing, ski mountaineering. It has never fit me very well and I'm finally giving up on it. $50

"Dachstein" sweater, XL, zip. Heavy, boiled wool, military version of the classic climbing sweater. These are extremely warm and surprisingly weather resistant. They fit oddly, with a big chest and narrow waist. This one was for someone else who doesn't want it. I have two of these, and the zippers are pretty bad. They work, but they are small wire zippers that are fiddly, terrible with gloves in the cold. I'm hoping to put a YKK zipper on the other one of these I have. Great condition, I've never worn it. $50

Fishtail parka, shell only, M65, I think. Great condition. No hood, no liner. These are more of a fashion item, but are a functional, very large outer layer for cold/dry conditions. $50, or best offer. I really don't know what this is worth, and I'm open to offers.

Happy to answer questions or provide more pictures. Pick up (or try on) in Albany, or pay first and pay for shipping.

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What's new?

Hey Guys

Hows it going?

i'm back i 'spose

anything strange?

New to Adirondacks what hikes should I do??

Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and have only been to the adirondacks once and did mount jo and ampersand, but am about to go camping for 4 days this coming sunday - wednesday.

I frequent the Catskills and Hudson Highlands so I'm an experienced hiker.

A few things:

-What I'm looking for are some nice hikes up to like maybe 8 miles or so with great views. I was thinking of doing Cascade and Giant, but also Hurricane, Armstrong and Gothics, but the last two had me worried about the length.. I really want two great hikes to do but not sure which one to do...

-Whats the best place to camp, where I can drive in?

-Whats the best website for info? For the catskills I use a site that has a list of all of the mountains based on height, and for each has a rating for views, difficulty, length etc. Is there anything like this for the Adirondacks? Check it out here:

Thanks guys!!

russian military guys and no-contact energy bull

This one gets a lot worse as it goes on

I'd like people's opinions on what's happening with he crowd and students. I reckon a large part of it is about belonging to a group. To fit in and be accepted with this group, you need to believe in the woo woo and fall down when you feel like you're expected too. Then you get the warm fuzzies of belonging.

Weight division

Good afternoon everyone :)

I've been thinking about drop some weight so I migh fight in a lower class, but the thing is... my height is 1.72 meters and I weight 58 kg, I usually fight weights from 56 to 60... and I dont know if its good for my health to drop to like...54-55kg... anyone can give me an opnion please? thanks :D

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Fist of Fury

Last night I got my Bruce Lee box set out of the cupboard and decided to watch Fist of Fury (or The Chinese Connection for our US cousins) as it has been many years since I saw it last.

*Spoiler alert*

As well as being confused (and amused) by the fact that some of the Japanese were wearing their hakama backwards, I was confused by the scene in which Chen overhears a conversation by the men who killed his instructor.

After doing so he bursts into the kitchen to confront them, and the camera zooms in on the killers nipples (he is shirtless). The killer, knowing his identity has been revealed admits "We're Japanese in case you didn't know" (or something along those lines).

Now, not that I have a particular fetish for mens nipples or anything, but I am wondering why the viewing of his nipples reveals identity as Japanese when he had been hither to disguising himself as Chinese in order to carry out the killing undetected.

Anyone have any clues?

ITF-taekwondo champion Hwang Su Il in K1, and Muay Thai?

How do you guys think such a guy would fare against kickboxers and muay thai fighters in the days of K1?

From a technical standpoint, he's flawless. Height: around 174 cm, pretty long legs - good enough for a taekwondo stylist.

Lots of flashy jump kicks that he would have to have dropped, or cut down conciderably - adjust to the formats.---full contact, e.t.c

I think he is an excellent taekwondo candidate, but it might depend on how much power this guy could generate at full contact. Maybe he's techniqually skilled, but with no power.

Your thoughts? What would have likeley stopped him from acheiving the highest ranks, when he was in his youth?

Now it's too late, and K1 is pretty much taken over by UFC.