Here's a copy of a post I made on facebook about the HK situation.
Pitch if I'm missing anything out or anything needs changing.
Brief Hong Kong HistoryHong Kong is a “special administrative region” of the PRC (People’s Republic of China), handed over from the UK, of which Hong Kong was a former colony.
An agreement that guaranteed Hong Kong a period of autonomy was struck.
Part of this agreement struck with the Beijing government of the PRC gave Hong Kong the opportunity of universal suffrage (the right to elect their own leader) by 2017.
Under the autonomous rule of the past and present, Hong Kong does not have democracy and has instead committee that selects a leader within that committee.
During British colonial rule and under it’s own autonomy, Hong Kong flourished with people afforded the rights that those of the PRC did not possess.
Low tax rates, free public health care, incredibly efficient public transport, some of the world’s top educational institutions’, access to the Internet completely uncensored, the freedom to travel and the freedom to protest.
In fact, while the world economy was recently floundering, the HK government found it had enough extra money to distribute 6000 HKD to all of it’s permanent residents.
So why does Hong Kong want democracy?Because the PRC has effectively rescinded its promise of democracy by only allowing candidates that the Beijing government has screened and selected. At first glance this does not seem problematic until you examine the influx of Mainland Chinese (those from the PRC) businessmen and the like into Hong Kong in recent years.
A Beijing chosen leader will not represent the interest of the people of Hong Kong but will instead represent the interests of mainland china and the Beijing government.
But Hong Kong hasn’t had democracy so why would they miss it?Again it’s because they would not receive representation.
Under a Beijing leader they may eventually lose many of the freedoms they have today.
Evidence for the oppression of autonomous rule by Beijing is evidenced by the autonomy that Tibet and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region have – close to zero freedom.
Why the heck did Beijing even tell anyone about the false Democracy plans? They could have done it silently…According to this article: Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which is split into a number of factions, rules the Beijing government.
These factions are trying to push each other constantly.
By announcing the false democracy plan, when they could have done it secretly, they’ve created the civil disobedience movements we’ve seen.
This was the move of one faction to pressure another faction.
If Beijing gives democracy, the factions in power will lose support from key players in the PRC and lose power and may have to step down.
If they try to suppress Hong Kong through a massacre like Tiananmen then the current ruling faction of the CCP will have to step down from international condemnation.
So they’ve decided to stand around in the city?Yes - and it’s working, close to 80,000 protesters constantly on shift have shut down the main business areas of Hong Kong causing a halt in the economy.
Not a single act of violence or property damage done.
Everyone in Hong Kong is highly educated and this isn’t a peasant’s revolt.
This is about keeping hold of the rights people of Hong Kong have in the face of the suppressive Beijing government.
The lack of violence is important in preventing things escalating.
So why are the police being aggressive?!?! DAMN PIGS!The police are stuck too. As are the government.
If they do not show that they are able to exert some control then the PRC’s People’s Liberation Army may be deployed which would be drastically worse for everyone.
So don’t hate the police, everyone in Hong kong wants’ democracy but its about maintaining the illusion of control.
They’re keeping everyone safe even when they don’t seem like they are.
Will there be a massacre like Tiananmen?Uh. Well.
I can only speculate.
But I doubt it. Why would China crash the insanely profitable, and efficient Hong Kong system with a massacre?
The reason they want Hong Kong is because of how awesome it is – they just want to transition it into PRC pockets.
What will the authorities do?Deploy harsher tactics with the police.
Or if violence picks up then maybe the PLA will move.
Or wait for the protests to die down – people will have to return to work eventually.
What should Beijing do?Give democracy, oppress their own country with media blackouts like they still do.
By giving Hong Kong democracy they can push the blame that people in Hong Kong have toward Beijing has away from Beijing and onto the failings of democracy (because they will undoubtedly block the policies of any democratic leader in HK).