samedi 27 septembre 2014

Adductor injuries

Hopefully others have not had the same experiences as me but thought is throw it out there and see what advice/strategies people might have.

I have recently torn my hip adductor tendon (now for the 5th time), I have seen a GP and I'm waiting for a physio appointment next week. I have been given exercises from physios before that I have since adopted into my regular training in the hope that they help prevent injuries, that plan doesn't seem to have worked well however.

I can usually perform most exercise without any issues but I am aware that through the past injuries I may always have a damaged/weakened tendon and may just have to deal with that.

The injuries usually occur when doing explosive movements (most recently plyometric jumps) and so I avoid that kind of exercise usually. In a class environment though I attend to learn from my instructors and want to take their advice trusting in their knowledge and experience and my instructors often incorporate explosive training. It's not one of those classes where exceptions are made, it's an official military club on base run by NCOs and officers (I am an SAC = private) and there is a definate man up attitude to all injuries.

The coaches are not great listeners (putting that nicely) so when I said I can train but not do certain things that did not go down well. I don't know how to balance the risks between;

1, waiting for it to heal up completely (3-6 months) then training as usual but risking future injuries.

2, waiting for it to heal enough then doing what i can but annoying the instructors

3, not training but missing out on free, good quality boxing training that I can get time out of work to do

I'm not expecting any magical solutions (though that would be nice :) ) and I will wait until I have seen a physio before I do anything but if any one has any experience of a similar issue I'd love to hear from you.

Apologies for wall of text lol

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