vendredi 26 septembre 2014

situational awareness story :)

Just a story about a situation I was in tonight:

I was on the high street, about half nine, I'd not had a drink, but it was a typical crowded Friday. I was with a couple of friends, and I saw another mate of mine, who I stop and say hello to. We always hug, which turns into a fake wrestling match (as you do). Anyway, he'd had a few drinks, and started throwing knees, but still jokingly, we were both laughing, all friendly. One connected and I (gently, still jokingly) tripped, caught and lowered him to the floor. We briefly carried on, and he suddenly swore, and said '£900 suit' at which point I got off and helped him up. We hugged, then he sucker punched me, not a really solid shot but I wasn't paying attention. Anyway, he took a few steps back, held out his hand and asked if we were quits. I shook it, then noticed about five more of his mates stood there, and more crossing the road, asking if we were fighting, did he want help etc. Now we managed to assure them it was all jokey, no hard feelings. But I should have been paying attention, and was lucky I didn't get swamped. The lesson I've learnt is be careful Round drunk groups :) and expensive suits!

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