vendredi 26 septembre 2014

3 days/2 nights camping from Heart Lake/Loj...suggestions please!!

Hello I am planning a camping trip with an old friend for mid-october. We will be heading out from the Loj and hiking for 3 days withtent or lean-to camping two nights. Essentially our itinerary will be this...

Thurs - arrive at Loj, spend the night there

Fri - begin hiking from Loj. Tent or lean-to that night

Sat - continue hiking. Tent or lean-to that night

Sunday - continue hiking returning to the Loj that evening

Monday - return home :(

We are fit and experienced hikers looking for a relatively challenging trip. I am a 46'r from the eighties working on my Catskill 35's currently. It's been such a long time since I've been back to the ADK's though, so I really have little knowledge of the trails and recommended hikes anymore.

I'm imagining that Friday we hike with our gear from the Loj to a good spot to setup camp and then bag a peak or two and then return to our gear for the night...or perhaps bag a peak or two with our gear and find a spot to camp afterwards. Saturday we can either pick up our gear and move on to another location for a similar excursion or leave our gear in place and climb other mountains within range. On Sunday we'd like to get plenty of hiking in as well but we will be staying at the Loj that night before our trip home the next day. We can carry our gear the whole day or again..hike some, then return to our gear before heading back to the Loj.

Would anyone like to outline an itinerary for us or make suggestions for what we can do in the time we have to do it? Thanks a bunch!

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