dimanche 28 septembre 2014

Rubber sole wading boots

I have always worn felt soled boots. I have had about a dozen pair over the years. Currently I have a pair of Orvis Battenkill brogues. Which I hate because they are not very comfortable.

Last week I saw some rubber sole wading boots on sale real cheap so I bought a pair. If they didn't work out wading they be great to wear with fins or korkers in winter. There was a choice between a harder Vibram sole with many tiny grips and another very soft sole with what looked almost like suction cups on them. I chose the suction cups....they were really comfortable.

I tried them on the Black River yesterday which is very slippery because it has a lot of flat rock, the rocks you skate on even with felts. On smaller rounded rocks they were slippery but holy cow on flat rock where you could get the whole sole down they literally stuck like glue. Not sure if I completely trust them, at least with felt you develop this long term familiarity with what will be slippery and what won't.

Anybody else out there have rubber sole boots? What is your experience?

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