jeudi 25 septembre 2014

Kave's first MMA fight (with luck)

My coach has told me that there is a tournament for beginning fighters coming up on the 18th of October. I have agreed to enter it, so now I only have 3 weeks to prepare. My entry is conditional upon there being a fighter near my weight, and as I am rather small there are no guarantees.

I am not happier fighting much heavier than 60kg. I am currently weighing 64kg, so I have to aim to lose as much weight as possible. Any weight I can't drop I will have to cut as water weight, and as the event is one with a same day weigh-in I really don't want to have to cut much water weight. The next three weeks are going to be really difficult in terms of diet.

I will post any updates as I get them. Currently I know very little about the event.

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