mercredi 24 septembre 2014

Community defence!

I saw this on Facebook and thought it would make a good topic for discussion.

I'll be upfront and say it seems a little bonkers, that's all I'm saying for now as I worry what this sort of stuff does to my blood pressure. :D

It's the post by Jenn Fletcher.


Gentlemen, I could use some advice on self protection strategy and application.

It seems the small town I live in is having an issue with gangs of lads, possibly eastern European, walking into hair salons and nail bars, and robbing them. The police seem to be indifferent and the community don't trust them or want them involved. So, the local reactionary part of the community are intent on tooling up and lying in wait for these miscreants vigilante style.

Does anyone have any advice on diffusing an angry mob and what alternative options to suggest before anyone gets hurt or arrested?

Appreciate any constructive advice and options especially from those of you with LEO or CPP backgrounds. (I'm in the UK). My training has only really covered self protection and small group scenarios so far.

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