jeudi 25 septembre 2014

postponed adrenaline rush.

Was not really sure where to post this one, but here seemed good.

the other day I was attempting to settle a scheduleing dispute between 2 indivadules. Both sides claimed that the other was lieing.

In a private setting person A and myself are discussing the issue. After a few moments of getting nowhere. I state this " you say he is lieing, he said you are. Next time we put this on paper agre..."

Before I can stop him person A runs to confront person B.

In seconds person A gets louder and will not running his mouth. Person B looks a bit scared.

I step between the 2 doing my best to remain diplomatic and such. Person A starts yelling ay me to get out of his face. 4 other people got involved to calm down A. I never raised my voice, said or did anything agressive (other than brcoming a barrier) and I never felt in any way that things were going to get dangerous. I was actually extremly focused.

Fast forward 5 mins I sit down to get back to my own job when out of no where I get a maasive adrenanline dump. Any one else ever experince anything like this? To be honest It kinda freaked me out a bit. I have been in bar fights and never got a rush like that one, and never after the fact.

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