jeudi 25 septembre 2014

How to bulk up large muscle groups?

Hi All,

I'm 44 years of age and I've just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I've been doing some research and there seems to be some evidence that bulking up the large muscle groups can be a very effective factor in controlling blood sugar levels. The idea is that when you use these muscles you burn sugar. The bigger they are the more effectively they burn it. I'm going to give it a go. I work out regularly at home using speedrope, sandbag, kettlebells and bodweight. However I don't think I can really bulk up the major muscle groups much more at home so I'm joining a local gym.

I'm looking for well-informed advice on what kind of a routine I need to do at the gym to bulk up the back and leg muscles. I'm also looking for advice / info on beginning olympic lifting. I'm also looking for people's thoughts on using whey protein, something which I've avoided so far.

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