lundi 1 décembre 2014

Retrofiting the Everlast Speed Bag Platform

For those of you who have one, have you tried this? I'm quite unsatisfied with mine and tried moving it to a wall where the wall beams have been sistered together, thinking the extra support would help.

It finally dawned on me that the main problem is the rubbish platform as well as it could use better swivel and linkage hardware.

I spend more time measuring, cutting, drilling and joining the various parts of my home "gym" setup than I do using it - so I really don't want to go and put a whole weekend ( when one has to steal moments from everything else, it turns into a weekend ) into doing a custom setup from scratch.

I came upon this youtube video on retrofitting the rubbish platform with a quality table sistered to the old one.

Has anyone given this a go? Looks nice but I canna help but wonder if the light weight aluminum slider bars would negate much of the benefits of retrofitting the expensive wood platform. I didn't want to get into having to cut and join high-carbon steel for the platform support.


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