samedi 20 décembre 2014

Starting again, blank slate

Been so long I might as well start from scratch.

I am fairly fit, but long time away from martial arts. I am short, and have short arms and legs.

I am interested in: defense/combat/sparring, fitness, open to meditative aspects.

I am uninterested in: Krav Maga, grappling, anything promising I can thrash a Navy Seal, anything pre-assuming I am 6' tall 200 lbs. of pure muscle OR so weak I can barely waddle around and just need constant praise for, like, not dying on their mats.

I can see upsides/downsides to a lot of arts, and welcome any/all input.


Good: Very easy to find locations, no grappling, kicking is maybe a way to make up for my lack of reach, reasonably good cardio, fun to show off with. Probably not awful for losing weight.

Bad: Pure kicky-striking. High impact on the jumping joints. Muay Thai people will make fun of me. ;)

Muay Thai

Good: Friend already doing it. School nearby (not the one my friend goes to). Lots of striking.

Bad: I could get smashed by younger tougher sparring partners but such is life, right? I do wonder if being 5' tall is going to suuuuuck though.

Tai Chi:

Good: Meditative, unlikely to lead to interesting injuries, will never age out of it, soft forms go down real well legally if I get in a fight. :Angel:

Supposedly quite good for someone who is smaller than their opponents because of internal martial arts reasons. Will get to play with a sword.

Bad: Combat Tai Chi is not all that easy to find, at all. is it truly just a fitness program? I'm not anti-internal forms (not that I've ever done one) but...???

Kung Fu

Good: Got another friend doing this, looks interesting, striking.

Bad: I'm stupid, okay? I got confused by all the different styles and sub-categories and websites about each. Was looking at Panther style and Snake style, was told Crane is not right for my body type at all. Also Snake style looks hard to find schools for?

Wing Chun

Good: Recommended to me for my body type. Have found schools. Lots of fast punching. Good for close fighting, which is my primary issue.

Bad: Quite a formal style, many critique it's lack of real world utility? But for me my issues have been some dude grabbing me real close so not the puffing and displaying and distance-fighting of 2 men fighting.

Oh wise Martial Arts Planet, tell me what styles I should/shouldn't look at doing.

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