vendredi 2 janvier 2015

Hurricane Mtn 1-2-15

Hiked Hurricane Mtn from Rt 9N. The first couple miles the trail was totally packed and there was only 6” of snow in the woods. At about 3,000’ the snow increased to a foot or more in the woods. We carried the snowshoes, but hiked the entire way in micro spikes with no issues. It was pretty windy, but the vast majority of the hike was in the woods and out of the wind. The summit was another story. The wind must have been around 30mph. We took a few pictures in the broken sunlight and started to head back before we froze. The trail is in primo shape. Here are my hike stats:

3.2 miles one way (it’s 0.5 mile longer now after the trail upgrade)

2,017’ vertical

1:50 up, 1:20 back

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