vendredi 16 janvier 2015

Is swimming lengths of the pool underwater healthy or not healthy?

Greetings everyone!

I don’t know if the following that I will be describing is good for me or actually harmful for me.

Just recently, as a swim workout for myself, I am swimming pool lengths underwater. I originally only able to swim one length of the pool underwater, over the last couple of weeks, I have now built up to being able to swim 2 lengths of the pool underwater, where I then proceed to do 4 sets of this, with about 2 minutes rest between each set.

The swim stroke that I am using in order to swim underwater is, as you would probably expect, the frog stroke. After completing 2 lengths of the pool underwater, my body is so relieved to be able to come to the surface where I then find myself gasping for air and I continue to heavily pat for at least the next minute or two before I am finally able to catch my breath.

I know that on one level, swimming underwater using the frog stroke is probably good for me because of the muscles that are involved, that is, the unique set of muscles that I am working.

Of course, I wouldn’t bother asking this question on this forum if I was, as you can observe kids always seem to have fun doing, swimming for just a little bit at a time underwater.

However, otherwise, I am wondering if swimming for longer periods of time, such as a couple of lengths underwater as I have described above, is actually healthy in the long run for me because of the, for instance, oxygen deprivation (to both my brain and my body) that is involved.

I realize that participating in any type of exercise, sometime there is anaerobic depravation, such as in a 100 meter sprint, or, there is aerobic depletion, such as in a 6 kilometer run, and none-the-less, these kinds of activities I believe are still considered as being healthy for oneself.

However, I am wondering if the oxygen depletion involved for swimming laps underwater is considered as being somewhat different, and is thus ultimately not healthy for oneself.

I recall back in the day, many years ago, when I used to belong to an adult swim club, toward the end of our swim workout, the coach would have us swim intervals of pool lengths underwater as I have previously described above. However, I am wondering now if perhaps, many years later, more up to date information or research has been established identifying prolonged swimming underwater as not being good for oneself. (?)

Thank you very much for any responses.

The best to all,


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