samedi 3 janvier 2015

New Years Nutrition Resolutions for Everyone!

With the other thread focusing much more generally on resolutions I thought it would be important to remind everyone of a few basic things:

-Our bodies are our tools for martial arts (and the rest of life.. but martial arts IS life for many of us)

-As martial artists our health and physical fitness is of paramount importance to maintaining our body

-All of us could serve with a little dietary improvement

So pick a Nutritional New Years Resolution and post it below! Even something as simple as cutting our sugary drinks, consuming more water or adding more protein.

For myself I'm fairly good at tracking my intake, meeting my marconutrient requirements, and guzzling the H2O. What I need improvement on is food quality, micronutrient density, and condensing my prep time

My NYNR's:

-Cook only twice a week

-More carbs from fruit and veggies/less starch

-More variety

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