jeudi 15 janvier 2015

OK Slip Falls- January 10th, 2015

Made a trip up to OK Slip Falls on the recently made trail. Trail markers seemed common, but we never had the occasion to use them. The trail was well trodden, and we microspiked the whole way. I carried snowshoes, but for all their use I might as well have carried two equally weighted rocks. Some powder from this week may change that though.

Got to the falls lookouts and managed to see a large lump of ice fall from the top off the falls to come to a thundering crash down at the bottom, which seemed to disintegrate upon impact, and left a huge grayish splatter on the frozen white cascade below, and opened up the water channel below. Wish I had the camera ready for a video! But I was happy enough just to see it. Besides the minor incident of catastrophe, the views of the dully colored icy falls and the snowy cascade were enjoyable, complemented by the snow covering the rocky outcrops of the gorge and conifers seemingly black by contrast.

We stayed and had some snacks, hydrated and had some good conversation with fellow hikers for about 20 minutes. Seems more uphill on the way back, limited the pace. Very enjoyable day. 6.4 miles in 2 hours and 40 minutes.

Attached Images

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File Type: jpg IMG_20150111_152135649_HDR.jpg (157 Bytes)

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