lundi 19 janvier 2015

Spruce Mountain - update

Update: Spruce Mountain - Fire Tower Challenge

Trail access to the Spruce Mountain summit passes through private property owned by Lyme Timber Company in Hanover, NH. Without obtaining permission prior to your hike, the public does not have permission to trespass on Lyme Timber Company land. Because of this access issue, Spruce Mountain is currently not included in the Fire Tower Challenge. Climbs completed prior to January 12, 2015 will count towards the challenge. NYS DEC and Lyme Timber Company have a tentative agreement to open the trail completely for public access (the trail will be closed during big game rifle season). When this agreement is finalized, NYS DEC and ADK (Glen Falls-Saratoga Chapter) will post a notice on their respective websites. At which time, Spruce Mountain will again be included in the Fire Tower Challenge. For more information contact:

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