mercredi 7 janvier 2015

Street and Nye 06Jan2015 (Trail Condition Report)

Indian Pass Brook is VERY sketchy, but with great care can be crossed.

We crossed slightly upstream of the regular crossing, and angled downstream as we crossed, ending at the regular crossing. Snowshoes were absolutely mandatory to cross the sketchiest bit of the ice, as were trekking poles, for both weight distribution and probing.

CV and I were the first to cross since Sunday's warm up and rain. Four other parties had tried but failed. One of those parties was a solo guy who tried only minutes before we gave it a go. I can certainly appreciate why he was apprehensive about it, in particular because he was solo. But he never did try it with snowshoes on, and that was the key.

The above will become moot as the freeze-up continues. It was even better in the PM than it had been in the AM on 1/6

Other than that, the trail is in good shape and we snowshoed it from the tailgate of our vehicle (although barebooting as far as IPB would be reasonable, I just prefer wearing my snowshoes rather than carrying).

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