samedi 17 janvier 2015

Tips for Applying MA Philosophy to Everyday Life


I haven't been on here for a while but I was looking for any thoughts or experiences of how you have applied martial arts philosophy or strategy to everyday problems.

The reason I ask is I am having some problems with a small group of people at work. I have some good friends at work but there appears to be a small group of 4 or 5 out of the 30 people I work with who basically give me, and a number of others, a hard time. The targets would tend to be the quieter folks who keep to themselves. The aggressors tend to be the loud steamroller type personalities.

It has been going on a while. I had been applying the strategy of allowing your opponent to burn themselves out ie let them rant and rave, don't react and hopefully it would go away when they don't get a reaction.

It hasn't. In fact it's got worse.

I'm in my mid forties and this is a good job. I don't want to leave and I had hoped this was my job until retirement.

Any similar experiences or tips for strategies to help deal with the situation?

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