samedi 17 janvier 2015

Women who have founded their own styles of martial arts?

So, MAP, I was just looking at Redcoat's answer on the 'Train with the founder of a style' thread about how the founder of a style may not be the practitioner of said style. True enough, but something about his use of teh pronoun he set off a train of thought about women who have founded their own style of martial art, as I couldn't think of any besides the legends about Wing Chun and Ng Mui.

I did a quick google search which didn't turn up much for me, though the following article came up and I found it interesting in its own right (leave alone its relationship to my question).

Did a brief search here on MAP and that also didn't turn up much (though my MAP-fu may not be that great). So I turn to you, denizens of MAP...

Are there any women out there who are the founders of their own style of martial art, whether Eastern, Western or otherwise?*

*By founder of a style, I mean someone who has either founded an entire branch of martial art (i.e., Karate, Savate) or has founded their own offshoot style (i.e., Wado-Ryu Karate, Capoeira Regional, Larry's Krav Maga and Azerbaijani Diner--okay that one's made up).

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