mardi 12 juillet 2016

Is this school legit?

Sometimes people post on here asking if some school or teacher is really as good as advertised. It's not an unreasonable question, given all the wild claims made by some. Of course, you run the risk of embarrassing yourself if you ask about somebody that DOES turn out to be a real, genuine 10th Dan Grandmaster in Woo-Foo-Moo-Moo-Quack-Quack.

That being said, do you think this place is legit? This guy (as they all do) says he was a Special Forces combat instructor, was in the Airborne, has trained FBI agents, Secret Service agents, Military Police, is in this and that Hall of Fame, etc. etc. And if you scroll down, he claims to know *23* different martial arts styles.

If I'm asking this in error, I accept my embarrassment and welcome enlightenment. Thoughts or comments?

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